Monday, June 7, 2021

They're going to Great Adventure- the poor man's/women's Disney World

Several months ago the girls decided with Jessica (Elena's friend) to all go to Great Adventure in June. At the time it was so far away that I didn't really care, so I didn't give an opinion. I'm starting to realize that eventually the day they talk about will come to pass and they won't forget about it. Well another one of those days has come to pass and yes they did not forget about it. Jessica's mom, Jessica, Nastia and Elena are heading to Great Adventure in Jackson New Jersey. And yes it is definately the poor man's/women's Disney World.(like how I am including both genders, now all I have to do to be'woke'is start using 'they' for the gender indeterminate and to ditch him and her and be gender neutral. What a load of horse crap, hopefully all you future people have no idea what I'm talking about. One day people will hopefully just be proud to be who they are and not have to attach so many bullshit labels to it. I'll now get off my soap box.) I've been there pre and post Disney. The first time I went to Great Adventure was just after it opened. My mom took us there to the animal park. We asked to go on the rides when we saw them as we were leaving. She said no. Some of her decisions in retrospect I think were a little odd. Why did we go down there just for the animal safari and not for the rides? Did she think she could not control four kids in Great Adventure alone? Maybe. The second time I went was just after high school with a bunch of people who were friends of a friend of mine. we got up at the crack of dawn, went to a dinner where no one except me wanted breakfast. They all were maoning and groaning about someone eating this early in the morning, I was eighteen or nineteen at the time and they embarrased me into having just an english muffin and a drink. Soooo, guess who got charged a service charge for their order. When we got to Great Adventure it was overcast with a light rain. We got to go on so maney rides that I thought this is the greatest place! Then the sun came out and so did everyone who had stayed away in the morning. I still thought it was great. The third time I went was after we had adopted the girls. We went down to Jackson, paid an expensive ticket fee, I don't remember how much, I just remember it was close to Disney World prices, I thought. We entered the park. I must have been expecting Disney World level entertainment, what we got was tourist trap entertainment. The girls had gone to Great Adventure every year they were in Summer Camp and they loved the place. We all went on a roller coast where I hurt my neck, so I quit going on most rides. We ate lunch at a name burger place, paid top dollar and it was awful. I generally had a bad time. The coup de gras (I looked it up to make sure I was using it correctly- The final killing blow that puts a person out of their misery), wait I guess that is incorrect because I was not put out of my misery. My feeling when I saw they were charging extra money to go on some of the most outrageous rides was more like outrage. I've prattled (talk at length in a foolish or inconseqential way) for quite a few paragraphs and they have just left. The girls stay over at Jessica's. At nine-thirty this morning I text the girls and ask them if they are there yet. I figure if they got up at 7 or so and were out of the house by 7:30 they'd be there almost. Elena replys that they just got up. Teri calls them and talks to Elena. She find out that Elena didn't bring a tooth brush. So around 10 they both walk in the house so Elena can brush her teeth. Teri comments about their clothes and lack of pockets to put their phones and stuff. She also comments about Elena's stained shirt. Elena complains and says she fine, but she goes up to change her shirt. Nastia too goes and changes to pants with pockets. I hope they have fun. It'll be noon by the time they get there.
I texted the girls sometime after one. They reply, we'll be there soon. I'm thinking that if this were Disney they'd get there just before it closes at five. Great Adventure stays open later I'm told. I asked for a pictures from Great Adventure, so I could see what fun they were having. I get a picture of the two of them just after they arrive about two. Later I ask for a picture of the two of them with Jessica. That is all the pictures I get. I don't want to intrude on their fun asking them to take pictures. Plus Matt isn't there to
walk away from the camera, ask Elena. The girls send a text message they aere going to Jessica's house to retrieve Elena's car. I receive it around 9:45 while Teri, Nancy and I are watching the movie Cruella at AMC Theatre in the Palisades Center. Everyone had fun this day I guess. /