Friday, June 10, 2022

The guy she's not dating, Elena's and my new job/.

Nastia and her last boyfriend broke up several weeks ago. She told me she was sad and was doing everything to keep her mind off her former relationship. She went bowling several times. She spent time with friends her old boyfriend didn't want her to hang out with and she spent more time with JJ (Jessie). On Saturday, I think she said she was going out to dinner with a friend. This is a game I have played with her several times and I have started to learn the rules. She will not volunteer any information, I'll have to ask for it. So I go down the list of questions. Who are you going out with? A friend, What is their name, Kevin, Where are you going? Out to eat. Where? Gilligan's, When? 7pm. How do you know him? From work. It went on like this for a few more questions. I got all of the information I needed and when he showed up I told her to invite him in. For now on all people I don't know or can't place will get invited to come in if she is to go out with them. Nastia's reply to asking him to come in was, "I'm not dating him." none the less he needs to come in. and in he would come. As I waited, I stood in the hallway, near the front door and the parlor not knowing where to stand, where to put my hands,or even how I should greet him. I figure he is just as uncomfortable as I am and if I was just friendly, it'd be fine. He comes in the door and looks as tall as Billy. His six foot, maybe four towers over Nastia's five foot about two inches. I say hi and he says the same. We are both pleasant and he calls me sir. I liked it, but told him he didn't have to call me that. After a few moments they leave. Several hours later she is home. Sunday she goes out with him again, this time to Hard Wok in Blauvelt. While questioning Nastia she says she is going to his place after dinner. Or maybe she said that when I texted her later. Everyone reading this or hearing this know what happens when a girl goes to a guys apartment. I didn't blink. She didn't hide it. I control what I can control, ignore what I can't. Nothing happens at his house. Nastia know on Sunday she has to be home by eleven. At eleven I text her, 'Where are you?' She replies she is on her way home. About eleven-thirty five or so she come in. I'm angry, but I'm trying to hide it. Her and her mother are talking when she says something that is just such an obvious lie I can't remain silent. And of coures, I can't talk, I yell. Thankfully Teri shuts me down quickly and I listen. The conversation ends quickly after that and she goes to bed. Monday, I talk to her before I go to work and tell her why I was so angry. I tell her I want to talk to her more after I get back from work. That evening she is out with the guy she is not dating. Tonight, Wednesday, June 8th we make plans to go see Jurassic Park, World Dominion. I tell Nastia, who is with Kevin, the guy she is not dating that we are going on Saturday, does she want to go? She asks if Kevin can go? Teri says to tell her he can go only if she is dating him. She says she isn't. He is going because everyone except her knows who she is dating. Elena, whos is not dating Matt dispite the hickies on her neck got a new job. ShopRite was paying her $16.00 an hour with benefits. Not the kind she is getting from Matt. Her new job she gets $14.00 an hour, no benefits. She is at that age where she doesn't care. She wants to be happy at her work. I can't blame her, I loved the job I just left. She started two days after I started mine. They have her doing oil changes and some tire repairs. She come home very dirty, but happy. It seems she has developed a bit of an attitude problem. Teri keeps telling me it is me, not her. If it is true, it is best I keep my distance for a little while. She doesn't have the ability to turn down the anger or the ability to apologize. I wonder if something is going on at work or in her life to cause her to act out like this. I asked her to sit down this morning on the bed and asked her about work and her life and if something is going on without using those words. She said work is great, everything else is fine. I hope I don't look back on this peroid of time and ask why I didn't see it coming. I really believe something is going on with her. It might be just her feeling a sense of independence or maybe she feels lost and alone, or somewhere in between, or maybe it's nothing at all. A couple of days before she started her job, I started mine. I loved my old job, but it was time to leave. While training my replacement I told her I would be going through all of the issues she is going through in a week, and I have. I've gone from knowing the system backward and forwards to being lost on the new one. My new bosses keep telling me repation, repation, repation and so I continue on, Now all that has to happen is Teri find a new job. /