Wednesday, March 3, 2021

It's Wednesday again.

It's Wednesday again as for at least teh last three, four weeks Nastia has gotten up early and gone out with Brandon. She says they go out to Breakfast and or go hang out at his parent's house. I won't rehash what I have rehashed over the last few weeks. The one thing I did notice today was she wasn't wearing 'those' pants again, she was wearing just spandex with a sort of dress thing, but it really isn't. Let's see how she is dressed when she arrives at the bowling alley tonight. I guess it's really not my business or is it concern because no matter what she wears it doesn't really matter. I will say that since she has gotten a boyfriend she has become as much of a ghost as Elena has. If I don't kiss them good night, I might only see them at the dinning room table, maybe. It's Wednesday night and Nastia didn't change into those pants, she stayed with those spandex things (There I go again throwing those big technical fashion terms around) I got to the bowling alley first again. I guess when you're not twenty-something and dating a guy you might be getting really into you arrive at bowling early having made the farthest trip. Ah to be young and horney again, well young anyway. (Yes, I am drinking while writing so proceed at your own peril) In the first frame of the first game I throw a nine leaving the four pin. An easy pin for me to get and yes, I miss it for the next three frames I get the four,seven, ten split. On the first one I get the four pin. On the second one I get eh seven pin. And finally one the third one I get the four and seven pin. I was so angry that I kicked the ball return. Elena, my hot headed daughter told me to cool down. If I wasn't so angry I would have laughed.We lost the first game by twenty-one pins and I bowled a 125, same as Elena. Nastia lead hte team with a 147. Early in hte first game Nastia sks me if I'm angry and this was before I get the three four, seven, ten splits and I said no. Thinking back, I was, but I don't know why. Maybe I was a little stressed that Nastia and Elena were late and had gotten into an accident. (yeah, that will never happen. I'll wait why you finish laughing.......) Nastia clung to me at the start of the game,asking me about my leg and how it felt. After I got angry about the four,seven, ten splits she was no where to be found, can't blame her (yeah, I asked Elena to get me a second beer something I told them I'd never do and it tastes as good, if not better then the first one) At teh end of the first game, that we lost by twenty-one pins, Elena and I tied for the second best score of 125. I think I already said that. I just looked and yes I did. (Drinking after eating just a salad is so much fun)game. In the second game we roared back with three strikes in the first frame. Elena got a strike in the second as I did. Elena bowled an excellant first half of a game, 111. As happens, making bowling a rough sport tp love, she lost the rythum, motion, whatever that prevents many bowlers from finishing a very promising game well. She ended with a respectful 139. I thought with a mark or two she could have hit the 160's. There will be a tomorrow for her. I threw off all the shame of the 125 and bowled a 227. Could have used some of those pins in the first game. After bowling Nastia headed out with Brandon to his house. (what's wrong with our house?) dropping Jessie off on their way. Elena went ot CVS to get her birth control (does she need it with Matt?) and arrived at teh house around 7:30. Teri is just getting home with dinner, sandwiches from B Balls in Suffern. Boy, I'm I hungry. /