Sunday, February 10, 2013

Snow storm February 2013

They predicted this storm for several day and everyone was prepared for it, well as much as you can be.
   The snow started very late Thursday and little or nothing had covered the ground when we recieved the 5am call that the girls would have a half day.
   When I was growing up the joke went if the superintendant looked out his window and didn't see enough snow you went to school.The punch line was he wintered in Florida.
  I got the girls into school for their extra help early morning class for the state tests in March and I went off to work. Teri had left several hours earlier. She is currently doing the work of at least three people there. She puts in so many hours that she is paid 1.98 an hour.
   I spent the day calling customers telling them we were going to be closed Saturday and open Sunday because of the storm.I also collected orders.Around 9:30 my mom gave me the first of several weather related phone calls. It was going to be worse north of where I was and I wanted to makeithome. Teri was working in Harrington Park and left for home around noon. The girls got home around the same time and I started for homeat two-thirty, arriving there at four. Traffic was slow, roads were not to bad.
   The girls were banned from Ipods, computers, TVs and the like for getting in trouble on the bus. The driver said Elena pushed Nastia off her seat into the driver. Nastia said she was sitting on her backpack and fell off it when the bus stopped. Offically they recieved two days detention for Nastia being pushed by Elena. Unoffically they were punished by us for sitting together when they were told not to and for Nastia being dumb enough to sit on her packpack.
   With no distractions the girls had no choice but to pull out a board game. I didn't want to play, but my punishment someone has to suffer. We played Sorry or a version of it since the girls had only saved the spanish version of the instructions and when I went on the internet I only breezed through the instructions.
   Saturday we cleared the driveway, and the walkway. The girls made a snowman that on Sunday the dog kept barking at from the window. The girls were two of three people at Karate and that night we had another family night and watched Here comes the boom with Kevin James.
   Sunday went quick. We went to the Home show in Suffern at 4pm had dinner. Elena and I played x-box world at war and she killed me several times. Once I emptied three clips and launched two gernades at her before she killed me. What a world...