Friday, May 14, 2021

Mother's Day

It's been a chilly May so far. I thought we might get a frost last week, but we escaped it. It was Mother's Day the other day and the girls went all in. Elena spent a good chunk of money on flowers for Teri and Nancy. She got them both gift cards for $100.00. She spent way too much. Nastia was going to buy her mother a braclett. When I saw the price I told her it was too much to spend. I told her to get her mother Rumchatta. It's a drink Teri loves and with all th estress of life on her these days she needs it. I bought Teri a card for mother's day and I was going to give her some rumchatta too. I put the card in my laptop so I wouldn't lose it and guess what? I couldn't find it until the next day. Does it still count? Teri didn't want a brunch and it is a little Covidie out there still. It doesn't stop people from going out, but why deal with it. So I invited Nancy and Amanda over for a Mother's day dinner. Amanda couldn't make it as usual. I defrosted two prime rib roasts. One seemed to little. Plus the dates on the two of them were 2019 and 2016. It rained Saturday, but Sunday was looking fine. I started the day vacuuming Teri's car. I thought it was a good gift for her. She never has the time and if I don't do it around her birthday or Mother's day, it doesn't get done. I haven't even cleaned my car in a good long while. The car came out good. Later taht night I wondered why my left shoulder was sore. SUcks getting old. Dinner was scheduled for about four. Teri, Nancy and Elena go and get their nail done. When Nastia comes home she is asked to join them. She wants tips on her nail and Teri says there is not enough time for that, so Nastia passes. I start prep around 1:30. I am not sure how long the meat takes (fifteen minutes a lb, two roasts about four pound each, around an hour as it turns out) I pealed red potatoes to put in with the roasts. I use five pounds and it really isn't enough. Sometimes the girls remember they are Russian and eat potatoes like there is no tomorrow. Then other times they're American girls and don't. I cut the fresh broccoli up and the mushrooms. Everything was prepared and ready to go, early and on time, well sort of. I put both roasts in seperate pans. I love cast iron, so I used the huge cast iron for the bigger roast. I think the pan is 14-16 inches across, while the smaller two are about twelve. I put potatoes around it. The smaller roast,
I squeezed into one of the smaller cast iron pans and put the remaining potatoes in the third cast iron. But I didn't put the cast iron with just potatoes into the oven with both of the roasts. I don't know why. Both roasts cook for fifteen minutes at 500 degrees. I then lower the temp to 325 and put the third pan of potatoes in the oven. They all cook for an hour. I put on the broccoli's water to boil and wait. This is were things went a little side ways. I ask Teri to make the mushrooms, she does such a good job. I put the broccoli in the boiling water and turn it off. Usually this way the broccoli will cook slowly. I'm checking the roasts They are approaching the 120-123 degree area where they should be taken out and allowed to rest. The resting peroid is so the juices set in the meat and the meat will continue cooking and become medium.I take the roasts out. The potatoes have stuck some so I scrape the pan. Teri says the broccoli isn't cooked, so I turn that up and forget about it until I smell it later on. The roast is rare when I cut it and usually if you stack the meat it will become medium to well done. I avoid stacking it mostly, but it is cooled some and doesn't cook. I remember the broccoli. It is just the five of us. Amanda is working a double and can't make it. Nastia gets out od work about four and Elena had the day, a Sunday off, unusual. We sit for dinner around five, not bad for Muller time. The meat is a little rare. The broccoli is over cooked and I couldn't find my Mother's Day card for Teri, but it is nice to sit around the table with the ones you love and just be. Which is what we do. Memories are made from days like this. I may not remember this exact Mother's Day, but the feeling for this small group of people only grow stronger. I do find my card to Teri a few days later in my laptop. I put it there so I wouldn't lose it.