Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Nastia wants to go to Albany.

Nastia asked to go to Albany to visit David.
How do you tell a twenty year old that she can not go visit her boyfriend. She will be finishing up her first year of college in a week or so.
      I told a joke to someone at work the other day. It was the one where Teri is dressing. I'm in the room with her and the door is closed. Teri tells Nastia not to come in and I say, "because We are having sex." A few moments later I go down stairs and I walk past Nastia and she says, "I thought you'd last longer than that." It got a big laugh to who I told it too, but the younger girl in the office, maybe around Nastia's age didn't laugh. It made me think a little more about Nastia going to Albany.
     Also this morning, Nastia's stomach bothered her and she went upstairs and threw up. Teri asked her if she was pregnant. I guess it's on our minds. We both fully expect our girls to have healthy and happy sex lives.... have I shared too much and grossed you out?
      Well as of now she is going to go to Albany on May 20th. I don't know if they are going to sleep in the same room and the same bed. If I were twenty odd years old and planning this trip, I would, but don't tell them I said that. I don't want them to have a healthy and happy sex life just yet....Am I sharing too much again? I should tell her to pack condoms just in case. I'll tell her just because she has them doesn't mean she needs to use them. but you know....
      She will be picked up by David on Monday May 20. At what time you might wonder. Well it will be David time. Translated, it will be when he gets down here. Then they will drive back to Albany. She will stay with him until Friday morning when he will drive her back home. God keep them safe.
       David will be working I think one or two of the days they will be together. I don't know what Nastia will do during that time.
       Hopefully She'll be back home on Friday morning none the worse for wear. She will be spending A LOT of time with him and it will test their relationship. How will they handle it? I have talked to her about how a relationship changes when you are around someone all the time. All those little quirks you thought were funny suddenly become the most annoying thing in the world. How they handle things will determine their future. Hopefully there will be give on both sides.