Saturday, December 9, 2017

Nastia at nineteen

It has a nice ring to it. Nastia at nineteen. I guess Nastiafest nineteen is out. Each birthday is a mile stone reached too soon for me. Every Parent says their kids grow up too soon and it is doubly true when you have only had your daughters eight years and one of them is graduating high school this year and the other next year.
     The Plan was simple for Nastia's birthday. She would go out to breakfast with David.Go and get her ears re-pierced at Clare's in the Mall, then go bowling with friend, come home for a dinner of Shrimp scampi. and a home made cheese cake for her birthday. I got to make dinner and the cheese cake.
   Nastia went off to breakfast with David at nine-thirty. We all met at the Mall to see Nastia get her ears pierced and it was a well attended show. The first time she got her ears pierced she hated it. Nastia doesn't like pain, still doesn't. But like all sequels the original was better.
     Nastia and Elena go off to bowl with a few of Nastia's friends. I go home.
At this point I think I have Saturday and Sunday confused. I know on one of the days I head to pick Elena up from work (I think that is Saturday the 2nd) but she is going to eat KFC with some friends from work. And Nastia had Saturday off so she went with her mother shopping. They are at  the Shop Rite in West Nyack when I get Elena is given the permission to eat at KFC. I'm on Sickeltown road just past West Nyack Road so I hang a left to go to Shop Rite to get stuff for Nastia's dinner and her cheese cake. I end up at the same grocery as Teri and Nastia. I take Nastia with me so Teri can shop for her gifts. I s get groceries with Nastia and after a few moments I notice I am tripping over Nastia every time I turn around. She has no concept of personal space, never has and I had forgotten about it until now. I try to tell her about personal space, but I think I hurt her feelings. I seem to be doing that a lot lately. We finish shopping and head home.
     She asked for a cheese cake. I remember the first time she ate cheese cake. She is a girl who doesn't like cheese and is lactose intolerant, so the first chees cake she ate I never told her it was cheese cake. I told her it was a raspberry (chees cake) cake and after she had a slice she said it was good.
     Her big interest in cheese cake didn't start until she dated David, who loves cheese cake. I think I see someone who is changing herself to get a boy to like her more? Davis likes White chocolate cheese cake. Guess what cheese cake I made Nastia for her birthday. No hurry, I'll just type slower and when your ready to tell me...Oh your ready, and your guess is right, it's white chocolate cheeses cake, but I added a swirl of raspberry to it and guess what David also likes that and so did my daughter.
     I also made Shrimp scampi for her for dinner. I don't know if David likes it,  I first learned to make it from my friend Fred and now that he is gone I have the same problem as Teri when she makes her mother's meatballs and says, everyone together, " there not as good as moma's", except I say it's not as good as Fred's.
    We had cheese cake afterwards. Nastia opened her presents and that was it until Nick and Amanda came over after they finished work.