Thursday, June 3, 2021

Memorial Day weekend finally...

Earlier in May the weather is warm, up in the eighties. Everyone thought it was going to be an early summer. So last week I opened the pool and started to look for the hole in the liner. Around Thursday the temperature drops to a high of 58 and it started to rain and it rains through the weekend getting no warmer then 60. As the first almost post Covid holiday I and my family are looking forward to the holiday. But we are not all looking in the same direction. Nastia starts the week off by sleeping over her friend Jesse's house. I see her Monday and for only a little while, I think on Wednesday or Thursday. Then she is gone again. She works Saturday then goes to Branden's house for what
she said is a BBQ. When asked about it later she will say it was just Brandenn's family getting together and not really a BBQ. Nastia then reappears on Monday, Memorial Day at our house,after she's worked Stop and Shop. Ahh, to be young with no responsibilities. Now Elena she worked and hung out with Matt. She didn't say too much about what they did, but she used the house as a bedroom during the Memorial Day weekend. What are you going to do. They are in that time of life where they are earning some money and their bills are small. I remember it will. I felt rich or at least comfortable back then. I thought it would last forever, or at least not end today or tomorrow. And I'm sure they feel the same. They are in love or at least think they are and it is a great time in life, one of the best where everything seems possible. On the Wednesday after Memorial day, Nastia goes to her first Summer bowling league night. She says she thinks they won all three games, but she is nor sure. Elena went to the movies to see The Quiet Place II. She came home with flowers and said the movie was great. The flowers were from Matt. That kid has fallen hard for my daughter. And I think she has for him too. Like I said this time of life, before kids and morgages is the best time of life. I wish I'd never left it sometimes.