Saturday, February 6, 2010

Two Days later it's that little girl's birthday

For the first thirty-eight years of my life I would consider my birthday as the final celebration of the holiday season, when I would consider it. Then one day this squirmy little melon headed girls showed up and extended the holiday season by two more days. Not that I ever minded Amanda having a birthday near mine. Heck most of my life I couldn’t wait for all the joyful festivities to be over. I always considered the winter the worst time of year and I always seemed to get my midterm exams back on my birthday and having never studied it was always a disaster. So Amanda having a birthday near mine kind of deflected the spot light off me some and if you know me I mostly hate the spot light.
So we celebrated Amanda’s birthday the other day by going to the Hard Wok and eating Chinese food. The Girls ate shrimp, crab legs, French fries, chicken nuggets and rice. They had a good meal. Then they had a little ice cream and we went back to the house to have some cake. The girls in all their uninhibited selves went up stairs and got Nastia’s boom box (are they still called that? They still boom.) and turned up the music and started to dance. I took a video and we even got Amanda up to dance a little and it is hard to believe that it has been fifteen years since she was born and eleven years since Doug has been gone. He is still missed.

Now it’s your happy birthday to you

I was told a few days before my birthday that at school all Nastia was talking about was soon it would be Papa’s birthday. I’d had fifty odd before this one so I was less impressed then she was.
The morning of my birthday I decided to sleep in a few minutes so I lay in bed with the over head light casting a yellow glow over the first few hours of my fifty-second birthday.
Teri had gotten up to shower and I had about five minutes to myself before I would get the girls up.
I hear what has become their telltale whispers, it’s a hissing sound like a fly buzzing by your ear just before it decides if it is going to dive into that dark hole and someone talking on the other side of a door telling your wife news that they don’t want you to hear but they don’t know how to whisper.
The door swings open and in walks Nastia and Elena. Both just stand there for a moment. Nastia with the goofy grin, you know the one that shows up only when she is so happy she doesn’t have enough face to keep it all in and Elena next to her all smiles too, except she has it more under control being a little more reserved then her sister. They both wish me a happy birthday and they give me cards and a gift. I open the card Elena card first and Nastia’s second.
Nastia’s card is homemade and I guess Elena liked the idea because that evening she comes home with two presents she has made for me in school.
Nastia’s card reads happy birthday in sparkly glitter around a heart in glitter. On the inside is a note for her Dear Papa, Happy Birthday to you! Thank You so much for everything you do for me! I love you so much! You are the best Papa in the whole world. I hope you enjoy your birthday. Love Nastia.
Elena drew a picture of our house and the school and the route we walk to school. Her second picture is a bunch of hearts glued together on a black background. The two of them can be the sweetest.
I was going to take the day of f from world but I thought what difference would it make and I was wrong and should have taken it off. But then again I would have had to make the delivery I made Saturday morning via Danbury to pick up the milk I bought home with me. I got home a little late and the five of us. My Mom being a late addition to our party set off for El Bandito in Spring Valley.
The Girls like El Bandito restaurant, but they don’t like to eat there. They like the live music and the excitement that seems to fill the building all the time. Teri and I enjoy the food and the drinks.
My Mom agreed to drive home for us if needed. We arrived at the restaurant around eight in the evening and we had to wait a few minutes for a table, a sure sign that the economy is starting to come back after the recession of 09. During the hay day of the mid 00’s a table their on a Friday night might take an hour or two. Late in 08 and most of 09 you could walk in and get a table right away.
We order the girls some rice and beans and some chicken. They complain about their food and I taste one of the pieces of chicken, it is great and is very tempting to take more, but I know I will over eat this night and don’t want to make it worse then it will be. Teri asks if she can still order a pitcher of Sangria and I say sure neither of us are driving. I order a frozen strawberry margarita; usually I limit myself to one because I drive. Tonight I will not drive so I have two and to my disappointment they are not their usual great tasting. I think they forgot to add the second bottle of Tequila.
We have a good dinner; the girls dance a little and eat even less. Teri and I have a good dinner, my mom enjoys her food and when it is time to leave I feel sober. I know that is what all drunks say just before they get behind the wheel of their car and kill everyone inside, so as I pull the car out of the parking lot I am very aware of how I am driving and if I detect any problems in my driving I am ready to stop and let my mother drive, but it all goes well and we all arrive home safely after a really nice dinner.