Saturday, February 6, 2010

Two Days later it's that little girl's birthday

For the first thirty-eight years of my life I would consider my birthday as the final celebration of the holiday season, when I would consider it. Then one day this squirmy little melon headed girls showed up and extended the holiday season by two more days. Not that I ever minded Amanda having a birthday near mine. Heck most of my life I couldn’t wait for all the joyful festivities to be over. I always considered the winter the worst time of year and I always seemed to get my midterm exams back on my birthday and having never studied it was always a disaster. So Amanda having a birthday near mine kind of deflected the spot light off me some and if you know me I mostly hate the spot light.
So we celebrated Amanda’s birthday the other day by going to the Hard Wok and eating Chinese food. The Girls ate shrimp, crab legs, French fries, chicken nuggets and rice. They had a good meal. Then they had a little ice cream and we went back to the house to have some cake. The girls in all their uninhibited selves went up stairs and got Nastia’s boom box (are they still called that? They still boom.) and turned up the music and started to dance. I took a video and we even got Amanda up to dance a little and it is hard to believe that it has been fifteen years since she was born and eleven years since Doug has been gone. He is still missed.

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