Tuesday, June 26, 2012

I just wish he wouldn't trust me with so much

Sometimes I feel like I'm on top of my game and have everything under control. Then I wake up and realize just what I haven't done.
   I was crusin along at my job and the girls are at camp and the twenty-ninth is still a few days away, then it's like I get slapped in  the face with all these things that now suddenly crowd my calender.
   The bunkbeds are up. The office is set up with the bed in it, we even took in a Tuesday evening discount movie tonight.
Waiting to be called
   I had called HSBC to get two months of checking account records for the house refinance even. Then smack, Elena lost three teeth and we feel she should see a dentist just to make sure it's OK. Nastia is complaining about pain in the gums on her right side, During the switch over to First Niagara EZ pass didn't get switched and I didn't know and we are getting letters with fifty dollar fines and I have to call them. My old boss has found out where I now work and he is going to declare war, I expected it, but couldn't it happen some other week then this week when we are expecting our guests! The checking account has been battered lately and it didn't need the switch over from HSBC and the fines that are coming from EZ pass and even my little brokerage account (far littler lately) hit me with a fee for no money being in an account to transfer to the brokerage account. I couldn't find where to stop the transfer so I figured no problem, well problem, $25.00 problem.
   It's the begining of the end of the Muller family of four the end of this week. We'll be a family of six starting friday mornining at eight-thirty for the next two and a half weeks. If everything goes well and I can't imagine differently, we will start the paperwork in ernest by the end of the month to go to Russia . Right now as I said earlier, we were trying to bask in the calm glow of between insanities.
   We went to see Brave tonight, and it was typical Pixar. A well done film that touched your heart. There was one part where the father was waving good bye to several ships and he sees his sons have gotten on one ship, so the father gets in a small row boat with his two dogs and begins to row out after them while the two dogs are barking and enjoying themselves. I got a warm feeling and for some reason I knew the father wasn't mad at them, just a little frustrated and he wouldn't trade his one legged life for anything. I can relate.
  It's the second day of camp and the girls ( two, soon to be three) got to go swimming at Germonds pool. It was the first time I'd ever been there even though back in the early seventies I did get a pass to go to the pool. I could just never get my friend to go with me, so I never went.
   It's a nice place. It's got three pools , three diving boards and some grassey area to take in the sun.
Elena graduates from 5th grade in Congers
   We finally got our translator for Saturday when we host the chapperones. His name is Scott and anyone with a sharp memory will remember the name. He was the person who introduced us to Mosha, yes that Mosha. The Mosha of 'You child is severly depressed and you must bring her to church tomorrow so I can talk to her and see her' Now the answer to your question is, yes I might be a little crazy but it has nothing to do with Scott. He is offering his services on a day off of his and I can't thank him enough. He said He has not talked to Mosha in over a year. And again he is using a saturday to spend with people he barely knows and he is doing us a favor and I still can't thank him enough. He is Anna's god son. Anna from Tolstoy Nursing home,whom I trust completely. She is just one of those people.