Friday, March 3, 2017

Hey DMV, I'm Bbbbbaaaack*

*A play on a scene from Independence day, you know when the drunk flies his plane at the space ship just before it blows up. Do I have to go further? You didn't see the film? What is wrong with this generation**
** That's a message to the future who think that all films that are not made in surround are boring. Yeah, when it's invented I want credit for naming it.    

 Yes, we all knew it would come and I put it off for six month's, but she asked me if we could go and I was slow thinking up an excuse, so without my knowledge my mouth said, "Yeah, sure I'll take you over on Thursday, they have late hours."
     She texts me at work just before I was leaving, up until then I was dreaming of what I was going to have for lunch and the good book that Iv'e gotten into. When I read it I hear my dreams of lunch crash and shatter like a coke glass hitting a marble counter, shards everywhere. impossible to piece together.
     I drive home, picking up some McDonald's on the way home to eat. I go inside and gather my papers, hoping I have what is needed, expecting them to say I don't.
    The two of us drive up to Haverstraw and I'm giving her my speech on my expectations for teaching her and her sister at the same time. Iv'e taken a deep breath, I was a quiet kis when I was younger and I saved up all my words so I ramble on for most of the trip. Is she listening? I don't check, I'm in the zone dispensing pearls of wisdom she would lead a poorer life if she missed.
    We pull up to the southern end of the building. We have tangled before, the two of us. In the end I will win, if I stay strong. I stop myself before I yell "Take no Prisoners!" and tap my boots against the sides of my camel. (What? You don't understand what I just said? It's another movie reference. You guys got to get up to date on all of your movie trivia if you are going to read me. The movie was and is 'Lawrence of Arabia' staring Peter O'Toole, great actor. It was filmed in 1962? Yeah, 1962, that was just after World War 2, and no I don't remember it.)
     We stride confidently into the lions den and up to the bridge of Terror to face out first task (Monty Python?? Bridge of Terror?? Ask these questions three??).
     Ok, your no fun. We go to a small kiosk just past the doors, I look to my left and see a long line of people waiting. The Wizard from scene 23  asks "What is your quest?(Monty Python??) I say Learner's permit. He hands us a form and a ticket, A254, lucky A254, hummm. I look up and see they just called A251, lucky A254, hummm.
     I go to work on the paperwork. Growing up my writing was compared to my father's. The nicest thing said about it was it looked like chicken scratch ( A Chicken scratching in the dirt). Over the years Iv'e worked hard to improve it and if I'm not stressed, it's pretty pretty. Elena prints like my Dad wrote, chicken scratch. I swear I went to Russia in 2000, had drunken sex with a Russian girl and made Elena. She is so like me.
     I finish the paperwork and Elena and I sit down to wait. I explain to her we are waiting forA254 to come up even though it seems close, they will call other numbers with other letters in front first. And they did, they eve called some number behind A251. The wait wasn't as bad as it was back in the 80's when everyone stood in line after line waiting.
     After about twenty minutes, her number is called. We go to the same window Nastia and I went to, but we got an Indian guy.I go with a smile and good humor, but this guy had a long day and killed my good mood very quickly with his 'I don't care' attitude.' I know it is a hard job and I would never want to do it. I show him all of Elena's paperwork, to my surprise, he tells her to go and get her picture taken. I try to get her to smile, it doesn't work. We are told to sit down and wait again. Another fifteen minutes later her number is called and I go with her into the test room. I know I shouldn't and I am babying her through this whole experience, but I can't help it. The test monitor asks me to leave and after I know she has all her paperwork in, I go. About ten minutes later she exits and says she got seven wrong. Her problem is she is having problems understanding the questions. Well Nastia had to go four times before we got to the test. I guess we're ahead of the game so far.