Sunday, October 29, 2017

This maybe the last dress up Halloween

Everything ends, sometimes it's a pleasure when it ends, other times it's not and then their are the things that end or soon will end that make you sad, but your not entirely sorry to see them go. Trick or treating on Halloween is the number one on my list. It started out eight, nine years ago as a very fun idea. The Girls would dress up and we would go down to Nyack, Broadway and they could trick or treat while we walked along with them. As the Years have progressed the hills in Nyack and the enjoyment of the girls and myself and I think Teri have diminished considerably. I first noticed it a few years ago when the excitement didn't seem to be there as in years past. And even before this years costumes were purchased Nastia was saying she didn't want to dress up because she was getting to old. (all of 19) I told her she wasn't too old and she should hold on to this time for as long as she can. and in the future she will be going to parties on Halloween and dressing up so she still has a few years to go.
      The Nyack Halloween Parade has always been the first right of passage for the fall season. In recent Years I have gotten very tired of the people how attend and the people how insist on carrying political posters. Each year Teri and I would get a great spot to watch the parade from, right on the edge of the road and by the time the parade started we'd be five rows back and couldn't see the parade. For a few years we bought folding chairs and sat comfortably until the parade started and then stood up to try and see it.
      This Year the Girls were both working on the Saturday of the parade. Nastia was finished early enough to go to the parade on time. I went to pick up Elena from Shop Rite Pearl River. I bought with me a computer and showed her a video taken of them when they were at the beach for the first time. We got to Catherine Street and heard fire whistles going off which signed the start of the parade. We got down there and stood at the corner of South Franklin and Main until Teri said we should cross over Franklin and join the others in front of the bank. I didn't mind missing the beginning of the parade. It has gone down hill from the days of inventive costumes back twenty years ago. I think the closing of all the gay bars has taken away from the inventiveness of costumers. And of course there were the off color political jokes, that I wished would disappear. I come to these parades to get away from the stupidity of the world and our pumpkin head president.
     Near the end of the parade, I'd been there with the group about five minutes, Nastia had to go to the bathroom. I took her and we walked around the parade looking for a public bathroom. After a few minutes, We hiked up to Catherine street and she went into the bathroom in the house. I didn't mind missing the end of it. We motored out of Nyack shortly after that and got the girls a pizza and went to the Mall to see Bobby Slaton at Levity Live. They sat  the three of us, Teri, Nancy and myself in the front to stage left. There were two opening acts. The first one was ok. the second one was better. During the second comics act, my phone went off. I'd silenced it, but some how the alarm had gotten set and I heard the tones go off and I'm thinking what idiot left his phone on. I shut it off and he made some jokes about the gay ring tones and I mouths sorry to him and he let me be.
     Bobby Slaten came on after ten-thirty. He was on fire. He worked over this one table they sat right next to us in the center. It consisted of a black guy dating a white girl and two Jews with yashmaks on. The one closest to the stage got roasted unceasingly all night, poor guy. Bobby Slaten is Jewish and he made fun of all the non bacon eating, kosher keeping Jews, which this guy was. He was a good spot about it. And the show was very good. We got home a little after midnight. The Pizza the girls had was now where in sight. They did good