Saturday, June 3, 2023

Memorial Day 2023

Memorial Day this year is not very memorable. Saturday or Sunday Nastia and Sean head to a family BBQ for his side of the family. She returns saying it was fun. Monday, Memorial Day she heads, this time with Sean, Sean’s father and Uncle to Lime Rock race track to watch a race. Never was a big fan of watching cars make a consistent left turn and end up where they started. I asked Nastia to send pictures and she sent pictures, a lot of pictures. I like when they do. Some Pictures of cars going straight and not making a left turn. Some pictures of cars going fast, some not going fast and some stopped. I even got some pictures of them.
She came back later that night saying she had fun. Sean, after all of that, says ‘good night’ and drives to Orange County. Long day for him. Elena, her highlight of the long weekend, was going to get Matt’s dry cleaning and bring it to his house while he was at work. Wow, she’ll make a great 1950’s housewife, NOT! It was nice of her to do. Either the girls are hiding all the things they are doing (smuggling guns to the Ukrainians? Hopefully not the Russians.) or they are starting to lead very boring lives. I was surprised Elena announced she was making tacos for dinner on Tuesday, without being asked. I didn’t have the heart to tell her Teri and I have stopped forcing them to make dinner. If they want to learn and have the experience of cooking together with one of their parents, we’ll be there. Otherwise, their loss. I’ll miss it, but no more forcing it.
Now if they never stop making dinner once a week, I won’t complain. I get home from work at 5:20 and I don’t have to cook. I must admit, even about two months after Teri lost her job.
I’m a little lost on what to do between 5:15 and dinner. I do a little gardening, or drink beer. Drink beer while gardening. Call people while drinking beer. Call people while drinking beer in the garden, I haven’t tried that yet. Sounds like too much work. I don’t know, maybe on a warn sunny afternoon I’ll try it. If I don’t like it, I could sit in the garden drinking beer while calling people. That I know I can do.