Monday, December 5, 2011

Nastia fest 2011 or how to turn thirteen in style

The Day was fully booked and everyone was excited, except me. My wife feels I'm a nature born stick in the mud. I make eeyore look happy. That maybe the truth, but I need down time, my own time. With that aside, I was pleased to do what I could.
  The day started simply enough, Nastia wanted bagels for breakfast and I had to go out to the store and run a few errands. Teri said don't she had to go to the grocery, which was one of my stops, I forgot about the others, I got CRS. It's getting worse as I get older, I think, cause I got CRS and can't remember.
  I go to get bagels adding a quick trip to my mother's in which on a good day would be a twenty minute trip. Of course I go the way they have been tearing up the road for the last three years and don't remember it's a bad way to go until I'm stuck in traffic. I also get behind that guy, the only guy on the road who decides to go five miles per hour under the speed limit. He turns off and his brother turns in front of me doing the same thing. The quick trip takes over an hour and Teri is calling me asking me if everything is OK, I've been gone so long.
  The next event is Karate, where Nastia tries to act more responsible. In karate, you are supposed to answer the sensi when he says something. She goes over board and answers him every time he opens his mouth, it was sweet to watch.
  The next adventure was our trip to bounce, the trampoline amusement place. It was empty when we got there, by the time we left it was full. I sent two hours watching the girls bounce on trampolines and thinking about Christopher Reeves and his horse riding accident. Then some big kids, I guess you could call them guys, they were old enough, I don't know any more. They were all about six foot tall well muscled and all between 160 and 200 lbs. I told the girls to stay away from them. If they fell on you they would never know it. They were not idiots, they were doing double flips and trying for triples. But again they were careful and considerate.
  This two hours of enjoyment tires me out and I have a little fight with Teri and we go home.
I cook Kutletta ( Russian meatballs, sorta) with pierogies and a vegetable, it was a good dinner. At around seven in the evening a few people come over for cake, Amanda made and Ice Cream cake, Teri picked up. It was good.
  The next day, Sunday we go out to dinner at the hard wok, Nastia's restaurant of choice. About eight thirty on Sunday Nastia fest ends. Agood time was had by all. Seems like I said that before.