Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

This Halloween was not as good as last years. We tried, but when you get several inches of snow a day or two before and there are downed power lines all around and streets are still without lights it is a little difficult to top or even match going down to Broadway in Nyack when it is one of the places you might find these downed power lines. Sooo we went to the Palisades center mall like a thousand or two other parents and their kid to go trick or treating. I must admit some places are trying to come up with alternatives that are imaginative as much as they are not fun. Like trick or trunking where parents gather with their brood and let their kids go from car to car in a parking lot to get stuff. When I was a kid that was called breaking into a car, I guess if the parents are still at the car handing out candy it is legal. Another brainstorm was postponing Halloween for a few days. I’m sorry that just doesn’t work for me either. I was going to compare it to having Christmas in January, but Russians and Greeks already beat me to that one.

  At the mall we picked up a list of stores that were giving out candy and to avoid the crowds we decided to start on the fourth floor. We did avoid crowds, but by the time we got to the third floor there were already signs up saying they were out of candy. The girls were unhappy and not having a lot of fun, so I tried to bribe them with ten dollars. It worked for about ten minutes, a dollar a minute. Next I let them go on the kiddie rides that they always ask to go on. Me, mister sixties, give them both a quarter, I then look at the coin slot and hand them both three more quarters. So much for nickel candy bars.

  We hit a string of store on the second floor that were out of candy and decide to call it a night. We tell the girls that they can eat anywhere they want to and when they pick McDonalds we tell them that we will take them to see puss in boots next week if we can go to outback. They said ok. They said ok, they were bought cheap. More so when it turns out there is little that the girls will eat at the outback. Will all have dinner and get home around nine or so. It wasn’t too bad of an evening that was until I open up the mail and see a ticket from a red light traffic camera from Yonkers. Don’t get me started on how much I hate them and how it is a bad way to enforce traffic rules. There should be signs up telling you where they are to give you a chance to be a little more careful. Look sees what you’ve gone and done now you got me all worked up over this ripe off crap….


It was a Wednesday afternoon I was driving to Danbury to go to the office and I get a phone call from Teri that her dad is having trouble talking and he is refusing to allow Amanda to call an ambulance. So she called her mother and Teri was called and I was called. I don’t think it mattered in retrospect. Tony stopped breathing and an ambulance was called. His pace maker kept him alive until paramedic got to the house and restarted his heart. He was taken to the hospital in Nyack where he stayed for about a week, giving people who loved him time to make peace with the fact that he was going to join his wife June for some stuffed peppers and have a big family dinner that Sunday like the Laudiero clan has not been able to muster here down on earth for a good many years. He will be sorely missed.