Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Winter is almost over

It 's been sometime  since I've written and very little has happened. Well very little if you exclude the girls going to their first New Years and staying up until two in the morning then telling me they were going to watch the sun come up from the back bedroom and almost as quickly as I said ok as long as you are in bed they were asleep.
   We had my birthday dinner at El Bandido and I promised the girls five dollars each if they did not say it was my birthday. Nastia said ok, Elena said twenty dollars. after I quit laughing we settled on six. They didn't collect on the promise. Five minutes after we sat down the traveling band is singing happy birthday to me.
   And yesterday Teri brings the girls ice skating while I stayed home to make dinner. I get a call about five telling me they are heading to the emergency room Nastia fell on her wrist and is crying saying it hurts.
  I am very sorry about what I am about to write. I have fallen, tripped, and whatever else and never gone to the emergency room to have it looked at. I twisted my ankle so badly that I couldn't walk on it yet I still went to school. Yea, and right about now your telling me stories about how I most of had to walk to school five miles in blizzards three feet high up hill both ways. Well in my school we used to joke that the superintendent used to look out his window before he'd call off school, the catch was he was wintering in Florida at the time.
   Well surprise, surprise Nastia comes home with a honkin big cast on her arm and is told to see a doctor next week to put a hard cast on it. Again I'm sure it hurts and I'm sure there is a fracture, but when I was growing up... I know, shut up. This is a Laudiero thing and the only advantage I can see in going to the emergency room all the time like Teri does is her family happens to out live my family on average. Not really a significant thing (yea, I know, I'm making a joke and Teri doesn't find any humor in it) .
   The girls have also gone sleigh riding over in Orangeburg a couple of times and they did real well on their snow boards for the few times they tried them.
   The girls want to learn karate and we are trying to find a place that is close and has lessons that are at a time we can get them there. With both of us working it is difficult and we don't have many options. We will find someplace to take them and we will also get them to try out for the jr high swim team if there is such a thing.