Monday, August 7, 2023

The trips just keep on comin...

The trips just keep on comin... The title sounds like the tag line for WCBS-FM from the 80's. The hits just keep on comin. Elena is celebrating her birthday in a big way this year, but she’s doing it with Matt, not Teri and I AND yes, I knew this day would happen, but just like getting old and fat, I didn’t think it would happen so soon.
Her grand plan starts with going to a heavy metal concert in the Meadowlands. Matt and her plan to go by train. After last Friday, if I were Matt, I don’t think I’d want to be far from a car if I’m not close to home, but taking a train is also a great idea too. The only worry is waiting the crowds out to get on a train when the concert is over and you want to go home. The concert starts at 6PM, an odd time to start, but it is a Sunday and people have to go to work the next day, except her. She has the week off until Saturday. She is planning to go to Atlantic City for the week. It’s going to be weird not seeing her for most of the week. It will be the longest she's been away from us, since Teri and I adopted them back in 2009.
Before She left to go to the concert, a concert with Metallica, if I didn’t say, She is asked to send a few pictures. By the time the night is over, it feels like she has live streamed the entire concert. She took a pictures of her and Matt before the concert starts,then she sends little snippets every so often of the music. They arrive at MetLife, well lets just say the two of them must have beat the ushers to the stadium. They arrive about 4:30. The videos of the concert start about 6:20 showing the stadium. And I think Metalica went on around 9PM. Elena’s last concert snippet is about 10:30. She will text she is in Nanuet around 12:20 heading to Matt’s house. (and oh, yes, I’m sure she sleeps in grandma’s bed.) Today, Teri and I both texted her around 7AM telling her to be careful and have fun. She replied bright and early at 10:23.
It started pouring around 6 this morning and if Elena and Matt left when they wanted to they would have been stuck in traffic and the heavy storms.
At 10:47 Elena began complaining Matt was taking too long and she wanted to go. Elena and Teri exchanged texts about her bearded dragon and his desired humidity levels. They left around noon and entered Atlantic City a little after 3PM to blue skies.
Their trip is covering most of this week and God, keep her safe and smart.Just received a picture from her, they are checking in now (4:29)