Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Tina's memorial

On Saturday Tina's memorial was held at the Elk's club in Pearl River. The days was beautiful and sunny. Just a bit chilly in the shade, but for October 2nd, it was perfect. Lynn invited a nice crowd of people. Teri and I went with Nancy, Nastia and Elena. The morning of the memorial, a little before 6 in the morning Nastia is out of bed, dressed and comes in to kiss us bye. Instead of taking the day off, she worked an earlier shift, 6-11, something Teri has been telling her for the longest time to do. Don't lose the hours if you can avoid it.
The memorial started at noon. Teri went out with Nancyto Costco and arrived back about 11:30. Now Teri is the type of person who needs to be on time. If she was being executed for a crime she was innocent of, she'd still insist on being on time to the hangmen. So I was ready, or at least I thought I was. You know how it is. Your ready, then you need to go to the bathroom beofre you go like yourmother taught you to. Then you need a drink to take with you because you know on th etrip you'll wish you had some cold water to drink. Teri has long ago given up yelling about it. She just says, "I'm leaving now!" as she walks out the back door. I'm running upstairs, grabbing my water, hooking the gate as I leave and yes, I'm the last person in the car.
We arrive at the Elk's club about ten after twelve, fashionablely late and no one noticed. I walk past a black Jeep all tricked out, that is slightly dirty. I stop and comment that this can't be Billy's Jeep. Billy the recently new home owner. The joys of owning a home. The afternoon is warm, except under the canopy covering the tables. I bought my sweater that Nastia asks to use because she didn't think to bring one. Nastia and Elena both are over twenty-one so they both go to get a drink at the open bar. They both come back with vodka and pinapple juice. I take a sip and comment they should be drinking vodka and orange juice. Both sort of finish their drink after about an hour or so. I am pleased it took so long. One of the two, I think Nastia goes back for a second. This time she brings back a rum and orange juice. I don't both to taste it. Just the combination is a turn off. She doesn't finish it and their drinking for the day is over.
Food is served and a littler later dessert. My mom doesn't make it to th ememorial, she is suffering double vision and feels more comfortable staying home.
Lynn gets up and gives a sweet talk about her mother's wishes for her memorial. She then invites everyone up to celebrate her mother to the song New York, New York. The girls discover the game connect four at a table. They play and after a while I am invited to play. I play one and win, I then play the other and win. I win about ten games in a row. Nastia has had enough, but Elena continues on. She continues and as she plays her skill improves to the point that she is winning semi regularly. I was impressed several times she wins and I don't see it coming. Around four-thirty we all pile into the car to leave. It was a fun afternoon celebrating the life of Tina. /