Monday, April 19, 2021

Saturday night Tacos with Matt

When Branden came over for tacos on Wednesday, Matt couldn't make it. Elena asked to have tacos om Saturday and
to invite him over. On Saturday afternoon I was bored and thought it would be nice and peaceful to start cooking the taco meat. It was real early about 3:30. Dinner wasn't until 7pm. I browned up two pounds of meat and
added a pound of meat I cooked up earlier in the week. I added seasoning mix to it then I added some meat from Wednesday. I stopped for a while then around six I got the oil ready, Teri did the lettuce and when Elena came home she cut the cheese. I cooked the corn tortilles in oil and warmed the flour tortilles in three damp paper towels. Matt arrived a little after seven and we all sat down for dinner. Matt started with two tacos and
when he went back for more I felt he was comfortable around us. Wednesday, Branden only had two tacos. He either didn't like them or he was uncomfortable taking more. After dinner it got a little weird. Nastia's conversation can get a little spicy at times. After she said something that Teri didn't like, Nastia gooes we're all adults here. I had to laugh. Nastia helped clean up and she found some rubber gloves and tried to blow them up and couldn't. I blew them up and this is were things got a little weirder. Nastia puts two balloons under her shirt and walks out into the dinning room.Elena pops one ending Nastia's dream of big boobs. She then asks me to blow some more up and put them in her pants and walks out saying she is now a Kardashian. If you future people don't know who they are, the world is a better place then. Finally Nastia says, "I'm being born and tries to squeeze her head through a glove opening. I think wasting of gloves signals the pandemic is coming to a close. We settle down and talk some more. Elena gets a glove blown up and ties it to her head. Around ten pm Teri goes upstairs and Nastia follows soon after. She wants to talk to her boyfriend. I sit at the table starting this but soon grow tired. I ask Elena when she has work and tell her to not be up too late. They stay down stairs watching TV until about 11 and she walks him to his car taking about fifteen minutes to get there and back. The night ends quietly not long after