Thursday, June 25, 2020

A Stupid Fight*

* In hindsight aren't they all

As I've said several times Teri and I are working a lot. Teri works during the company's busy time about twelve hour days. I'm not working those long hours, but all the stress that comes with working a lot takes its toll.
    The fight had nothing to do with Teri. I came home around seven and no one wanted to cook. Elena wanted burritos from Harry's in Nyack. Teri tells me it is getting late (isn't it always getting late, if it doesn't get late,would it get earlier?), so I should order now. So I sit down to order them on their website. I turn to ask Elena what she wants and she has gone into the kitchen, I call her name, no answer, I call a second time, no answer. I get up and walk into the kitchen, a short walk but one I really didn't want to make, I'm tired and my legs have hurt since I took that spill about a week ago. I get her attention and ask her what she wants at Harry's. I bring up the website, I put Teri's order in and then I go ty Elena's. I put it in and now there is a choice of what type of beans. I call to her, no answer. I get up again walk around the corner and see she has her headphones on again. So I hit the table, I've done it before, but this time I'm tired and pissed and Teri is tired and now pissed, While Elena is a little surprised and upset. I say what type of beans? but no one is listening. Teri is asking me why I had to do that. Elena doesn't say anything. I immediately go to I'm done here. I close the computer and go outside to sit by the pool. I out there a while. Long enough for Elena to get McDonald's and eat it without me knowing. When I come back in Teri is having soup and Nastia is asking what is for dinner? Teri says you're on your own. I cook two hot dogs and watch repeats of The Big Bang Theory in the kitchen. Teri watches some TV in the living room, the girls upstairs. Around 9 or so, after I shower. I go to Elena to apologise. I shouldn't of hit the table like that. Elena is the type of person who doesn't apologise, so me going to apologise to her is a good thing, I tell myself. I head up the stairs and of course she closes the bathroom door as I touch the first step. I go sit with Teri and I tell her I'm sorry about dinner, She says I  should be talking with Elena. I tell her she's in the bathroom. I go up a little while later. Ask to see her and tell her I'm sorry about banging on the table, I was tired and I hug her and give her a kiss on the cheek. It's over, except I always feel as if it isn't. There always seems to an unhappiness that settles down on me after. Teri goes to bed early, so Nastia and I watch Star Wars The force awakens.