Monday, March 11, 2019

Daddy, when will We be able to go out on our own?

I was asked many times by the girls when they were younger, when will we be able to go out on our own? My Answer, Daughters, if you are reading this now and have kids of your own and are looking for answers was, I had no idea. Your Mom and I did it when it felt right to do and sometimes we had to hope for the best. And usually it turned out well, which made it easier to trust giving you more freedom. Trust built more trust
      OK, I'm back from the future now and onto today's story. Over the Weekend, Teri and I went to her cousin Kimmy's fiftieth birthday surprise party. It was held at the West Nyack Fire Department. It's been a few years since I've been there. The Girl's wanted to go out with their friend's. Both worked until early evening and it would have been the perfect night for the four of us to spend some time together. Sometimes plans just don't work out. Nastia wanted to go to the movies and invited Scharin. Elena was going to the Mall to hang out with some friends. Teri and I don't really like her hanging out at the Mall, but she doesn't get into trouble. Both have jobs and cars, both have paid for the privilege. NONE OF THEIR FRIENDS HAVE JOBS OR CARS. According to them none of their parents want to let them to get jobs for various reasons. NO ONE HAS HANDED OUR GIRLS ANYTHING. They were given crappy cars and each put about $2,000.00 into them before they were drivable. They pay their own gas and they pay their share of the insurance.
     Now back to our Story. Nastia invited Sharin to the movies. I'm hoping, I haven't checked, but NAstia bought the ticket for her, I'm hoping Sharin paid her back. Nastia also goes straight from work to her house with HER CAR to pick up the carless, jobless Sharin. Sharin, I'm told doesn't have a job because of all her after school activities. Hey, cool, get some money from your mother, get a ride to the mall from your mother, something from your mother so my daughter isn't the sugar for the night.
     Elena's story is even more fun. She works in Pearl River. Jasmine, her new 'friend' was dropped off at the store, she lives in the New City Condominiums. One point for her parents. Elena want to get her hat and has to pick up one of her friends, who lives in the New City Condominiums. They get to the Mall and Jessica calls, texts, whatever asking when will she be picked up? Soooooo, she goes back to Congers to pick up her friend from just up the street from us on Rt 9W. Now You ask why couldn't Jessica's mother drop her off? Well, let's just say she lives in a very dysfunctional family. So to recap, Elena went from Pearl River to Congers,to New City to West Nyack, back to Congers, and yes back to the Mall. We get a text a little after nine that they are just sitting down to eat at Red Robins. Teri and I thought it a little weird. We get occasional texts from Elena giving small updates on her night, like we're just finishing up and I'll be late getting home, I have to drop friends off. She was due in at about 10-10:30. She strolles in a little after 11. She is very good about getting home on time, doesn't argue a lot when we tell her no, she can't go out, so We cut her alot of slack and she also let us know she was going to be late.   
      So Girls this is what it looks like to be able to go out on your own on a Saturday night when your parents are no home either. One Day you'll be able to stay out real late, You know when you have your own place.