Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Swimming, boyfriends and future trips

Elena has asked a couple of time for Matt to come over to eat. Each time has been during the week and each time has presented some chanllenges. It is the busy time of the year for Teri and I don't get home until after seven every night (and yes almost twelve years ago we lied to the adoptiion agency that we always had dinner at about six). I offer hamburgers on the grill. Elena is ok about that until Teri says she is the one who is cooking. Elena volunteers Harry's Burritos and she'll pay. We did her wrong when it comes to cooking. She can boil water, but not much else. I tell her to order about seven-fifteen, seven-thirty. Elena says she'll get it. The six-thirty temperature is still very warm when i leave work. I get home and walk into the back yard. Matt and Elena are just getting into the pool. I order the food from the Harry's burrito app and pay for it. I;ll take the money from her account later. She and Matt are having a good time so I offer to go get the food. Nastia who just got into the pool wants to go with me. She towels off and with her towel in hand heads to my car. I ask her if she wants
to put some clothes on. She says she'll be ok. It's really hot and she will be. She places the towel on my fancy naugahyde seats and sits down. I get in and we both seat belt ourselves in and off we go. It's a quick trip to Nyack and after a few minute maskless wait I have the burritos. Upon my return to the car Nastia tells me Teri called and she is on her way home. We arrive home just before her and when she comes in she is tired and not too happy. It's been a tough day for her. We all sit down in the dinning room eating our burritos. They are their usual good tasting. About half way through her burrito Nastia notices her's has cheese, she is lactose intollerent. I tell her to open it up and try to eat around th echeese. She tries that. I then wondeer out load if Elena's burrito has cheese. She says she hasn't tasted any. Nastia gives Elena half a burrito and she receives back a stub of a burrito. It wasn't fair, but what can you do. After dinner Elena anounces she wants to see Jurassic World part two. We watched part one the other night Matt was over. Teri, Nastia and I will join Matt and Elena. As I swing the couch in the front living room toward the TV in the family room Nastia anounces that Brandon's sister has invited her to go to Florida this December. I know this is coming, but I can't seem to face it right now, so I say, "NO" I try not to curse and I say no several more times. I'm not ready to share her any more then I am not. And I feel I am sharing her too much and she is running after Branden and making it simple for him to start taking her for granted, but that story is for another time. She asks why not? Teri gets into the conversation around this point and asks the important question, "When would you be going?" Nastia's reply, "Well December 26 through January 1st" "Not during the holiday time, I'm not ready to give up the holidays yet." Teri says Nastia always th epoor arguer, "Well it's not a holiday." It goes on and for some reason Nastia listens to us again. After the arguement Nastia heads upstairs, I comment that she wanted to really see this movie and now she is going upstairs. Another reason she shouldn't go to Florida this December. She says she is just going up stairs to get something, she'll be back. For the movie Nastia sat near her mother on a couch close to the TV. It was most likely because she couldn't see sitting as far back as I was. I thought she might be angry at me. After the movie I go to shower. I make a quick u turn and go to Nastia room. I tell her to call Branden back, I want to talk. I tell her some facts. Matt has been over here more times in a week then Branden has been in the six months you two have been dating. He needs to come over here get comfortable with us and us with him like you are with his family before we will let you go on a trip like you want to. This is when she tells me Branden said he isn't going. No matter I tell her. After my shower I go into her room again to kiss her good night. She tells me heis coming over to swim on Saturday. Of course she is going to go over his house early on Wednesday and later go swimming at his house with a friend of his. It's still not fair, but what is. If I had it my way........... /