Friday, November 5, 2021

Halloween 2021- COVID 19 hangover?

Halloween this year has been like everything else post or at least semi post COVID 19. People have gone all out to do it or only a few have ventured out to do it. Since Halloween is all about kids and they are not yet vaccinated, turn out was very light. I stayed home the whole day working on the hallway (no not Elena's room yet) to finish a job that like all jobs started out very innocently. I saw a water stain in the ceiling from a flood the girls caused years ago and Teri said I should cur a hole in the ceiling and check for mold and repair the ceiling. Well..... No treck or treaters came by before 3 in the afternoon. I was sure Teri didn't buy enough candy when she said she bought a bag of lollyppops, so sight unseen I went out and purchased three bags of candy bars. Needless to say we have alot of candy left over.
Nastia was excited to go to her first Halloween party. She dressed up for it and except for the ears I couldn't tell she had a custome on. (yes, I'm making a joke Nastia.) When I texted her later she said it was more like a bunch of people just hyear. She thought it didn't go well last year. I thought it was lots of fun for her and her friends. And I told her so and she should do it again and I would help her. She said Branden is going to get a cabin for her birthday, like she did for his, (really original) I guess they had fun that weekend. Well it will still be football season, so Branden will have football to watch.(yes, I'm being mean, but what is there to do at Bear Mountain the first week of December? You right but how often can you do it?)
Elena went trick or treating with Matt after they got back from the street fair in Connecitcut. Which is where Elena picked up Carl the coyote and she hung him up on her wall. Teri and I don't approve of Elena buying the pelt of an animal. It's not the type of thing you'd want to see. Coyotes are a vital part of the environment.
They went trick or treating in New City around Matt's house. You'd figure they'd at least go to Nyack to soak up some of the energy of all the people on Broadway. Whenever I went there it always felt like what Halloween used to be or at least should be. I hope it never changes.