Thursday, March 14, 2013

Wrestling and looking back

The girls finished up wrestling on Saturday with a big match. I didn't want things to go wrong and I'd only been to one other match so we went to North High School a little after noon for a match that was scheduled for one-thirty. It started after two. The Girls were bored and Elena started getting a little attitude. I had to bring her into the hall to talk to her about her attitude. It helped a little. While waiting for their matches they scarfed down about as much food, or seemed to as anyone could hold and not get sick. What helped the girls boredom more was wrestling, they called Nastia first and by the time she started they had called Elena. I videoed both. Elena's was very quick. She got pinned in about a minute. Nastia's went a little longer.
   The second round came about an hour later. It was a little longer, but both lost. The final match came around five and Nastia was called again first and she held out until the second round and Elena did the best.She was in the third round leading by a point,with under a minute to go. She is holding on to her opponent and let go of him and he got points for an escape or a reversal. I thought it might be over when Elena attacks and gets points for a take down and is leading by a point. He escapes and it is tied. She gets a point for something and is leading by a point with under fifteen seconds left. The coach is yelling 'don't let go don't let go' and yes she lets go again and he scores a point to win. She was very impressive in that last match.It seemed to come together at times for her. Nastia was good too, both seemed strong enough to compete, maybe a little stronger then you would think they are.
Before the match Elena was saying she was done with wrestling, after she was saying maybe she would do it again.
   I have been thinking about Leonid and Anna. About a week ago an adopted Russian boy about three years old died in Texas. The Russian government which cut off adoptions earlier this year for political reasons just got more ammunition and wants the boy's two year old brother back. The Russians claim it was child abuse. The boy had signs of being hit in the stomach. It's a bad thing even if their is no smoking gun. We might try and go to Washington DC for the Russian Embassy's open house or Easter celebration. I want to go but it costs money we don't really have.