Friday, June 21, 2019

Friday morning, first day of summer

It is Friday morning, the first day of Summer. It is raining again. It has rained every day this week.It is cool, maybe in the low 70's. Spring has been wet and cold. Hopefully summer will not be. As I've gotten older it seems I'm cold all the time. Maybe it has to to with the fact I work in an office and a business that makes food and packs it in a room I go into often that is kept at about 65 degrees.
       Teri left for work after two days home sick. I think she hates this job more than she has ever hated a job in her life. She talks about looking for another one. I wish she would find something else. The problem is I work at a job where I don't get paid much. I've been there since October of 2014 and I really feel that I am doing some good in the world while I am doing my job. I have built something here that I am proud of. I always have a positive attitude and a pleasant tone in my voice when I answer the phone. I encourage all customers to call me if there is a problem or a question even if they want to compliment the chef. Most of my customers are elderly and sometimes I get a call because I think they just want to talk to someone.
       The Girls are both upstair asleep. It's 8:37 and both are done with school. Elena finished High School and she graduates next week. She has a party planned for Saturday the twenty-ninth starting at two in the afternoon. Hopefully the weather will cooperate.
       Nastia about a month ago finished her first year in college. She worked hard and did well. I think she said she has about a 3.0 which is fantastic.
       Both Girls are working tonight, so I guess it is Teri and I for dinner.
       When I talked about Elena and her accident I found myself repeating every time I tell the story that she has her own car, she paid to get it fixed, she pays for her own insurance and gas. She, like her sister takes care of it all. Nothing come out of Teri's or my pocket. They have done it all. I couldn't be prouder. Now if we talk about their friends the dark clouds of disappointment and a little contempt appear. Of all their friends on Ariana has a job and a car. Ariana is the only one with either. I don't know what these parents are raising. Teri and I are raising independent self reliant, hopefully women of the twenty-first century who will hopefully go on and lead lives that they will be proud of and be happy in and not have to have a partner at their side to be happy and or taken care of.