Saturday, February 13, 2010

Did I miss the class on how to stop kids from breaking?

After bandage is removed
Back when I was a Kid, yes it is one of those stories; I would get a cut, put it in my mouth and suck on it, spit and be done with it. If it continued to bleed then I would go to my mother who would spit on it, wipe it with a dirty towel and tell me to go out and play. If it continued to bleed she would tell us that is normal, don’t worry about it. Back then kids could play outside and the only thing they had to fear was themselves.
Today, if a kid gets a cut he or she is rushed to the ER or the local doctor or even the local walk in doctor service and they get looked at by Doctors who are very nice and very professional and in the end cost a bit of cash.
The Girls have been with us just over six months and they have gotten broken three times. And I swear it’s not our fault. The latest one where Elena hugs Cody chewing on a dog chew and surprises the dog who then reacts out of what is programmed in her through genetics and even then only grazes her face. It’s bad but it could have been a lot worse and I pray to god that it never gets any worse.
What makes me feel like a second rate father is when the school nurse tells me I should have the cut on Elena’s face looked at, which I did.
The Doctor takes her the same day and says she is OK and prescribes a medication which I am later told will counteract 99% of all dog bit infections, which is great, but on the health insurance it is still $68.00. I hate to sound like a penny pincher and all that crap, but it is expensive being a parent, more so when the kids seem to be running into a scrap or a fall or a sister every other week.
The one good thing about Elena’s injury is it happened after the social worker was here.
I don’t want to see any kid blood for a few months at least please.
   The end of this story is, as of now, yesterday I get home late and Elena is soaking her wound. A little puss appears in the wound and Teri wants to go to the ER because the Doctor said to go there if pus appeared and also to call him. We talk about it and finally I call my mother who says if we would like bring her over and let her look at it, which we do.
Comparing cuts
    My mom is unsure about what to do. She said spiting on the wound and wiping it with a dirty towel has been proven to be detrimental to a persons health and as we all know once you know something is no good for you it will kill you and you can't stop doing it. Smoking never killed anybody until the surgeon general.
    She says to call the Doctor and he says the best thing to do is soak it and keep an eye on it. If the red spreads then call him. The medcine takes about 48 hours to take full effect.
    It is Saturday and the wound looks good. Almost all the red is gone and there has been no more pus. But I'm sure this is not the end of the story.