Friday, February 12, 2021

The Girls and their boyfriends on Wednesdays

The Girls and their boyfriends, I guess is going to be a regular reoccuring topic. And it is most likely going to be talked about after a Wednesday, when they both don't work because the three of us go bowling at five PM. I left yesterday morning just after Elena had gotten up and left to go to Matt's house. This time she was a little more dressed up then she was the last time when she went in her Stitch onesie and she had to get it back from Matt's a few days later from what I heard. I was also told, or maybe I'm hoping, nothing went on that day except hickies. I was told by Elena that after hickies comes sex. On this morning she is wearing a nice sweat suit type of matching outfit of some sort (yes, I'm big on women's fashions). She leaves early around eight, I guess. Nastia is up too around eight and she is dressed in regular clothes or at least nothing that caught my attention like Elena's. That evening, I meet them at the bowling alleys. I'm there first, then Elena and lastly Nastia shows soon as I get near Elena I can see the hickies, two or three on one side and two on the other. I don't say anything after all she is twenty and how much can you tease someone. Should I be reassured that she has hickies, because after them is sex she says? Later I will be told the reason she is very moody today and the past few days is she has her peroid, so sex is off the table (yeah, I know, but I'm not going to get that gross). Nastia gets to bowling a little late. I don't notice what she is wearing until a frame or two into the first game. She is wearing these spandex (are they still called that?) things that have these folds that run up the cheeks emphesising them and making it look like she has no underwear on. She thinks her butt is her best asset. I know this morning when she left to 'hang out' with Brandon she wasn't wearing them. She did come back to the house around four to vacuum, but it would have made no sense to change into them then, so she must have had them with her and changed at Brandon's or come back to the house. I don't comment on the pants. I was going to try to get a picture of Nastia's pants to put on the blog, but I felt like a perv when I tried to take a picture of them, so no pictures in this blog. Sometime during the night Nastia comes up to me and says, "Did you see the marks on her neck?" I go, "yeah", I don't know if she makes I comment about sex or if she says something about if it was her who had them. I reply to her comments by saying something like, "and the way you're dressed, I'd put money on it that you had sex and I think I'd win." She gets angry, tells me she didn't have sex and leaves. I wasn't mean about it, at least I hope it didn't come out that way I just figured both of my daughters were up to what I would have been doing when I was in my early twenties and I went over to my girlfriend's house in the middle of the day during the middle of the week with everyone at work, except for her and I. For the next few frames she stays away from me. When I go up to bowl I whisper into her ear, "I'm sorry" and hope it blows over. Eventually it does and I think that is when Nastia tells me to be careful because Elena is in a bad mood, she has her peroid. Last week after seeing Matt, Elena was on such a high, but not this week? No. I won't speculate. It just gets me into trouble with my daughter's I'm sure this column will infuriate them when they read it in the future. /