Monday, January 15, 2018

New Years

Nothing really happened this year. We went over to Eric and Lynn's again. Elena hung out with her boyfriend, Alex. His Father is a friend of Eric's. We all talked and drank a little. At Midnight we kissed and left after that because the girls had to work on New Years Day. Much fun was had by all.

My Daughter bought home a Baby this past weekend!!

Yes, My Daughter, Nastia bought home a plastic baby for her child development class. She got a black baby, named it Ezekiel. So over the weekend it would cry, fuss, need to be fed, changed and taken care of. This gave my  daughter the excuse to sit around all weekend and watch TV.
     When She tried to go out with her boyfriend to dinner on Saturday and yes she would have to take the baby, he refused. He didn't want to be see with the science experiment in public. They had dinner at our house and We went out to dinner at Brooksides, the old Pie Man. David hung around until about 10 pm , then left. Nastia was forced to sleep in the back bedroom in case the science experiment made noise. The high light of the weekend was when the Baby, named Ezekiel, by Nastia, because it was David's baby too (mental eye roll) , decided to cry out at 3:42 AM. I being not involved just smiled and rolled over and went back to sleep, my wife never heard it, as my daughter tended to the science experiment, I mean Ezekiel.
     You may detect a hint of disapproval in this blog. I don't like several things about this. I see my daughter so enamored with David that she is letting herself be used as a door mat that he can come in a wipe his feet on at anytime he wants and he doesn't even want to. He's not a bad kid, but they don't have much of an idea about what it takes to be in a relationship. It seems She is always chasing him to do something and if she didn't ask, they'd go no where. This Baby also brings up other things.
   Nastia bought it home without my knowing. I would not of stopped it, but I didn't appreciate the lack of a notice and I didn't appreciate the Baby here period. If You know, You know.