Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Halloween 2016

This might be the dying days of this tradition. Nastia questioned if she was too old to go out this year. And when they went out, they went with a friend Sharin and they did more talking and less trick or treating.
     We picked up Sharin at her house and met her mother, a first. She wanted to make sure her daughter was going with adults. It's good to see We aren't alone. We went down to Nyack and parked in about the same place as last year, but it was different, the girls were not excited to go and get candy any more. The first years over here, they went to the Halloween parade in costume, not this year. And this year for trick or treating there was no excitement. I know I really didn't want to be there either, but I also wanted to go and do this. I guess We all know the end is coming.
    We started on the western side of North Broadway and headed north. Maybe it was late, but it seemed less houses were open for trick or treaters. The Crowds mostly seemed to be there, but in spots there were less people. We walked down past Hartells Grocery, a stop my Dad and I delivered to for about thirty years. It closed about a year ago because Bubby is in his eighties and wanted to work less and is just doing the liquor store. We went a little past the Firehouse and when prompted to turn around, no one argued. When we passed the side streets we usually went down, no one argued. We were done in a little over an hour. We'd made a big loop on North Broadway and were back at the car, everyone ready to go home. If this is the end of going down to Nyack to trick or treat with the girls it has died with a wimpier, not a scream.
     I remember when I was thirteen, I felt I was too old to go out any more, then I became friends with Mike and the next year and several years after that I went out. Nastia might be almost eighteen, but mentally she is still somewhere around fourteen, still the perfect age to trick or treat. Elena, on the other hand is a little hard to read. She presents a blank wall to the world sometimes and god I guess this was how the world saw me. She can be so free and easy, like her sister sometimes, then she disappears.