Thursday, March 25, 2021

It's Wednesday again.....

Today started like any other of the days of the week. About 6:15 Teri and I let the dogs out, Bandi pees on the floor, one of us cleans it up and I head back to bed because I don't have to get up until 7:30. This though is a Wednesday and on most Wednesdays, mischief, thou art a foot*. A little after seven, Elena is up and is going over to Matts. This is the girl you don't wake up because she has
her alarm set for the time she wants to get up. Any earlier than that and you will meet Miss Cranky pants. She is dressed, does a stitch onesie qualify as dressed when you are going over to your boyfriends house when both of his parents are at work? Does it really matter? At a time like this I always remember what Elena said to me when we made fun of her hickies. "After hickies comes sex." I guess I'm hoping to see hickies tonight when we meet for bowling. Elena is out of here by 7:30. Nastia is only a little less subtle when she gets up around 7:15. She is wearing the bright blue version of the black spandex pants she would usually wear and a sweatshirt. She brushes her teeth and trys to not put her contacts in before she leaves. After her contacts are in she is gone. Both of these girls are out of the house and gone very quickly. Teri says she is going into the office today and now she is gone a little after eight. I'm sitting here in an empty, quiet house. I'm thinking about Dennis.He was born with a heart defect. About ten days ago he went in for open heart surgery. It is a success. Last night we are told an issue has come up and this morning Teri receives a text saying that he is going back in to correct the problem. She just called me and told me. All of my hopes and prayers are with him. It always amazes me how life can change on a dime. Thursday: Yesterday at bowling Nastia arrives with her friend Jesse just before I pull in. Elena arrives just a few minutes before we start to pratice. Some time during bowling I notice her neck is clear. Nastia plans to spend the night over Jesse's house. As the three of us are walking in Jesse say's they are going to smoke pot there. I say now I know why Nastia is sleeping over there. Jesse laughs and says Nastia doesn't smoke much. I laugh and say Nastia is a cheap date. At bowling we go up against one of the better teams. We have a hundred point handicap. In the first game two of the three bowlers on their team bowl over two hundred. I bowl poorly and Nastia and Elena bowl ok, we lose by over one hundred pins. The second game I bowl better,Elena bowls a 145, but the other team,the guys throw another couple of two hundred games again and we still lose by twenty odd pins. The team in front of us was just two points away, now they are about seven. We could have gone above 500 too last night if we'd won five. A trophy looks a little dimmer today. I heard last night that Lynn's mom passed away. She had alzheimer's. It's been a rough two years for Lynn. First her sister's death, then her son's heart problems and now her mom's death. My prayers go out to her. She is a strong women, but this is too much. *It from Shakespear's Julius Caesar, the full quote is Now let it work. Mischief thou art a foot. Take thou what course thou wilt. Didn't think you were going to learn something today did you? Really I thought it was from an old Basil Rathbone Sherlock Holmes movie from the 1940's when he comes upon a the crime he is going to solve and it went something like mischief is now a foot. /