Monday, July 2, 2012

Government publications

I recieved my government publication from cooperative extension today entitled 'Your teenager and the world around them' published 1972. You can get your free copy too, if its worth the stamp. On page one it says 'Do not expect your teenager to be greatful if you give them exactly what they want.'
   I'm really pissed. I am trying so hard with our new teenager and I am making no progress. I know there is a lot of baggage here and teenagers are not the same as a humans, but it doesn't seem fair. I have done everything in my power to make Leonid happy, to make an enchanted two weeks and all Iv'e suceeded  in doing is to split him from his sister for eight plus hours a day for the next two weeks. He smiles at my wife easily. she didn't force him to go back to soccer camp then leave him there to get him sneaker, which I took the time to pick out special. but then I leave the sneakers there while he is watching a movie.
   Anya and the girls are doing find she was happy until she got into the car and she got quieter when she found out Leonid was not happy. There is a cute side to the relationship. We went to see the fireworks last night he stayed home. When we got home and she thought he was asleep she made the girls go up the stairs quietly.
  Felex Festa camp is full so he can't go there. I think that is the only reason he is not happy at the soccer camp. I got one slim option and that is to get a pool pass and let him go after camp for an hour with his sister. I'll check it out tomorrow.