Friday, July 23, 2021

Elena and Matt have a fight and Fajitas

Elena had her first fight with Matt the other day. I might have mentioned it before. If I did I'll try not to imbelish too much so you won't question my story telling and the truth. Elena and Matt made plans to go to the beach on Thursday. I guess Matt had the day off or he took it off. Elena usually lately has Thursday off. When her scheadule came out work Sunday work asked her to come in on Thursday and they gave her Tuesday off instead.
I didn't hear the fight or see the fight. Teri told me about it. I might have said or at least thought I wonder if she will say she is sorry? In all the fights I have seen her in or been in with her I don't remember her saying she was sorry. She might have and I just didn't notice, but over the last few years I have not heard those works from her lips. The fight happened, I think on Sunday or Monday. Monday night I get home around seven and I start dinner. I ask Nastia where is her sister. She doesn't know. She said Elena was home when she went out. I text Elena, a few minutes later I do it again. Teri comes home and she texts Elena, nothing. Teri calls her, no answer. Teri calls Matt, no answer. It's starting to get a little scary. They had their first fight and neither is answering their phone. I ask Teri if she has Matt's mom's phone number, She calls Matt's mom. His mom says she is home. I bound up the stairs to her room. The door is closed, I open it. In the fading day light Elena is asleep in her bed. She wakes up. I tell her we have been looking for her and dinner is in a few minutes. Going down stairs I think if I was her age and had a fight with someone very important to me (someone I love very much?) I'd have ended up in bed asleep too. Elena is home again on Tuesday. Come Wednesday around mid day I get a text asking if Matt can eat over. I guess they made up. Teri suggests garlic chicken, Elena wants chicken fajitas. I tell her we don't have everything we need. She offers to go and get everything we need and she does. I get home a little after seven again. They are both in the pool having a good time. I can't ask them to stop and come in and help, so I do it my self. We eat around eight. It tasted better then I'd expected. It's late after we clean up. Matt and Elena hang out together until around ten when he heads home. I guess peace has returned to paradise. God to be that young and passionate about things, I really miss that.