Friday, January 15, 2010

Lets dance the night away

Tonight was the girl’s first dance. It was held at the school in the cafeteria. They had a DJ and he had smoke and lights in addition to the music. It was from seven in the evening to nine.
I worked until six and got there a little late. Teri got home fed the girls and the dogs and still managed to get the girls to the dance only 10 minutes after it started.
The music was load and the lights flashed and all the kid ran around as if they had been saving up all this energy since the beginning of the week, maybe they had. Nastia and Elena danced like girls possessed. They jumped, they twirled, they flung their arms and danced a year worth of energy off in a few minutes.
After dancing got to be nothing special they were running around and they were going to get drinks and something to eat and of course go to the bathroom.
The first hour was dancing. The start of the second was a dance contest that I figured the girls had a chance to win until it was announced everyone had to dance the cupid or something like that. It was a silly little dance that resembled the electric slide and the song reminded me of Archie Bell and the Drells song ‘The tighten up’ It was not a huge successful and the group never had a second hit that I remember. So it will be with this song and the group.
    It all blissfully ended at a little before nine with the four of us in the hallway, with Nastia introducing us to everyone who attended the dance. I don’t know if they were her friends or if she just met them tonight.
    Teri and I had not eaten so we were going to get some food afterwards and ended up at the New City Grill on Main st. We ordered food for ourselves and thought we were treating the girls nice when we ordered them French fries, but they were not hungry, just tired. A warning, never try to eat while there are tired children near you, it’s not fun. By the end of the meal Nastia had fallen asleep and I was going to try and carry the both of them to the car, but it was late and I was old and Nastia was awake, so I didn’t. So ended their first dance night.