Thursday, April 9, 2020

Flow it, show it, long as God can grow it, my hair*

*From the musical....Hair, go figure
Lambs to the slaughter?
For just about ever Nastia has wanted to color her hair, or wear a wig. She even bought a wig once, strange child. So the other day she comes home with a bottle of hair color. She and Teri start arguing. No I guess it would be better described as Teri yelling she can't color her hair and Nastia changing
her story from coloring her hair to just tips. I think at one point after Nastia said for the thousandth time, "I'm twenty-one and you can't stop me" and Teri yelling, "Not in my house." Teri just gave up.
Teri's thought is both girls have such beautiful hair and it should be left alone. I also noticed Nastia has very thin hair and it is not very thick on top of her head. She's going to have to watch out that she doesn't abuse her hair or she may end up needing that wig.
     During the COVID-19 lock down, after I come home from working in Elmsford and yes my job has been declared important or whatever that word is that they use, I like to drink. I'm tired and stressed. So when Nastia asks me if I want to help her color her hair, I said yes. Not a big mistake for me.
    Before we start, Elena comes home from ShopRite and Nastia asks her if she would like to color
And now we wait
her hair too. I go down stairs to the basement and remove anything that might be in the way or could get stained. Teri and I go over how to mix each separate chemical. What it boils down to is you mix all the small packets that don't say shampoo or conditioner into the big bottle, then you shake it to mix. For some odd reason they said to snip the top off the big bottle before mixing. Of course the first thing I do is spill a small dot of the dye on the sink. I stop take a wet paper towel and proceed to spread it all over as I try to clean it up.
     Nastia goes first. She tells me several times to watch out that I don't get it in her eyes. I work slowly squirting the dye mixture here and there working it into her long hair. I'm being very careful to not get it in her eyes or make her hair wet and
So much for social distancing
it run down her face or onto something that'll stain. I forget the reason Teri finally joins us. She takes over when she sees how I'm doing Elena's hair. I'd squirt some on top and rub it in. She'd tell me, "No, you have to comb it in using the nozzle as the the comb. I try it several time and Teri is still not satisfied how I am doing it. She tells me the hair has to be wet. I look at Nastia's and it is definitely not wet. I watch Teri comb the nozzle through Elena's hair I see her scalp wet with dye.
      After the timer goes off Nastia is instructed to shower the dye out and I leave. About forty minutes later after she blow drys her hair I get a look at my first hair job, oh, boy.
Both of the girls need touch ups, Nastia more then Elena, so the next night the three of them trek down to the basement bathroom, which I again emptied and they re color their hair. I stay away
It was fixed the next day
because I strangely feel this is somewhere I don't belong. I had fun last time, but this time it's the mother-daughters experience it should have been all along.
     After she's done Elena runs upstairs in just a towel because she is so excited and happy about her hair. She quickly shows me her hair, than races off to get dressed. Nastia too show me her hair. It is all one color now and both look very pretty with the color. I've been wondering have Teri with her naturally colored hair would know so much about hair coloring, I'll have to ask her one day.
