Saturday, July 13, 2019

The Poster comes down

Well it finally happened last night, no not that.The welcome home poster made by Amanda and Thasha finally came down.
The Poster folded on the table
       Teri and I were in the living room watching TV when Elena and Nastia came home from work. Nastia let Elena take her to work at Stop and Shop in New City. Elena's car is still broken (another story coming soon) . Elena drops her at work and then she goes to work at Pearl River ShopRite. When Elena is done she picks up Nastia and they both go to New City McDonald's for dinner at 9:30 at night.
       They walk into a cacophony of dogs barks. Elena goes from the front door to the dining room to say hello. In the dining room I hear her saying help. Teri goes, "oh, help her." I have no idea what is going on I get up out of the chair and see Elena holding the right end of the poster Amanda and Thasha put up for the party the night we came home from Russia.
        Now We all knew this day was coming, but like getting old or the end of summer you never thought it would happen so soon. It was always going to happen sometime in the future.
        The Poster was never supposed to stay up on the wall after the party. It was just something that was a reminder of the great adventure we all were on, so it was left up. When the tape became dusty and didn't stick, I added thumb tacks. During the filming of the movie, 'I think we're alone now' a Russian was working as an assistant. She points to the sign asking about it. I told her the story behind it. I expected a, "oh that was very nice of you" from her. I got an expression that said only Russian's should raise Russian kids. She then points out that the sign is spelled wrong.
The left side of the poster
        Last night the right corner torn itself loose from the thumb tack in a strong change of weather wind. Teri said it has to come down. I didn't argue, it seemed the right time. I pull the two thumb tacks from the left side and with Elena's help I gently fold it into thirds. I always thought once it comes down I'd cut it into thirds and frame it. Now that the time is at hand, I don't know if I can/will.
The center of the poster
The right side of the poster
       To me it is a piece of history that one day someone might want to touch and feel. This is something that has only as much value as you put into it. If years down the road someone's grandchildren find it and are asked about it the story can be told about how one night all the people in our lives came together to celebrate the first day in America for Nastia and Elena.