Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday, Monday, can’t trust that day, Monday, Monday sometimes it just turns out that way 09-21-09

Well, they are ours, at least in the legal sense of the word. As far as really owning them in the ‘well, I’ve given birth to you and you owe me’ sense of the word that will take a few weeks longer.
We started the legal paperwork toward making the adoption of these little angles ours today and it didn’t get as far as I would have hoped. We went to the hall of records to get the paperwork started and the copies of our passports were declared to light colored and we needed to get them taken again and I also needed a second picture of myself to give to officials, because I am the one petitioning the courts to adopt the girls. We went as far as we could today and tomorrow we will go further.
Yesterday I went on about how the girls had been conquered and how things had gone so well yesterday. Well today was the empire strikes back. It started out raining and we thought it would be nice after the paperwork if we stopped by the orphanage and picked up the girls and took them to the Pit Stop. We finished the paperwork about noon and went to pick up the girls about twelve-thirty. The Pit Stop was empty. It was after all a Monday. They played in the Maze and had lunch. We were so positive about things that we let Yulila go for two hours. Everything went well until Teri found Elena lying on the bathroom floor fooling around with her sister. They came out of the bathroom in a fit and we were out the door walking to the hotel. The hotel is only two blocks away and on a sunny day it is a pleasant walk. Today wasn’t pleasant. It was raining and windy and the home hadn’t given the girls proper clothes to wear. Elena had a suit jacket to wear and Nastia who is susceptible to the cold a winter jacket. It was raining when we started and by the time we passed the second flooded intersection the girls had walked through twice that many. We ended up giving the girls our jackets, which didn’t mean that they were staying out of the water. Their feet were soaked by the time we had gone two blocks. At the hotel they ate chips and Teri dried their hair. I gave them coloring books, but when I put on cartoons they were quickly forgotten. At four, our driver showed with the translator and we took the girls to the orphanage.
At dinner, we ate with Fran and CJ. We got into an intense discussion about the abuses of the program in Birobadijan, which later segwayed into a discussion about the problems of raising an orphan and how it doesn’t look anything like little orphan Annie. We took them to the orphanage around four in the afternoon. We went to the hotel and had some drinks in Fran and CJ’s room and that was where the conversation about the evening started. They best thought to come out of the evening was by Fran when she talked about how your new child will challenge you and how you have to remember they are nothing like your birth child. They come with baggage that will challenge you.

Sunday recap 09-20-09

I just realized I wrote about Saturday twice, so I guess I really am repeating what we are doing over here. Well read both of them anyway I found them both interesting to read and a little repetitive. The story in the second one about Yulila is interesting and I did leave that out from the day that it happened about three days ago. I have been leaving out the dinner portion of our day because we go out to dinner with CJ and Fran and have mostly very good meals and relax and talk about the girls and their second son Max, who is coming up a little short when he uses the bathroom. That is bad enough, but he sometimes needs to change after he is done. He is about six years old and most kid out of the orphanage are mentally and emotionally few years behind. I don’t know if that is his problem or no one ever told him to clear the chamber after firing his weapon.
Today we told the girls that if they were good and ate everything they ordered from the Pit stop and were good today we would give them fruit. Nastia must have called a meeting last night because both of them were on the same page today. They both ordered less food and basically finished it and they were mostly good. We got them ice cream (Baskin Robins) after the Pit Stop and when we were at the park they acted pretty well and we gave them a little more space. So at the end of the day they got Fruit. Nastia wanted peaches and Elena wanted grapes, we did enie, meany, miney, moe and with two people just like on Seinfeld the one you start with is the one you end with. I still don’t know if that one is the loser or the winner. Well we got peaches and I threw in a few grapes for the two of them.
The day ended with Teri and I eating at the Hotel restaurant and it was a quick quiet dinner. CJ and Fran went to Kharabosky for the day.
Tomorrow and Tuesday, we will most likely not be able to see the girls because we will be tied up with paperwork. They become ours Tuesday and after that if we want we can keep them over night. What we plan to do is let them stay at the Orphanage until after their going away party on Thursday night and then take them to the hotel and leave I think on Friday for the Kharabosky airport and Moscow.
I got to see ESPN for a little while today in the Hotel, it was in English and they were doing a recap show. When I tuned in later the football game was in Russian.