Saturday, October 10, 2009

A bicycle ride and the trampoline

Today started slowly, we had work to catch up on that has been neglected for the past five weeks. The lawn hadn’t been mowed in six or so weeks and must have been a foot deep.
I started to mow the lawn and it was going slow. The bag would clog up with wet grass very quickly and have to be emptied often. I had the good fortune to get some help after about twenty minutes of this when the girls came out to help. They turned a job that was going to take an hour and cut the time to two hours. They both wanted to push the mower and both wanted to empty the bag of grass and then take the wheel barrow to the recycling pile to empty. As they emptied the wheel barrow I started the mower and did as much of the lawn as I could until they got back .This went along for a while until one got tired and went in and then the other one followed. I thought they were going to come back so I hurried to mow as much as I could. After a while I saw that they were in the dining room eating hot dogs so then I was able to finish the side yard at my leisure.
After they had lunch, they came out and wanted to go bike riding. I figured if I made them wait they would get into some trouble and they would never get to go, so we went.
My brother has a long paved driveway and it makes for a nice place to bike ride. Last year the girls had trouble going up the slight grade in the pavement. By the time they left it was a breeze.
This year they are out of practice and are having some difficulty going up the incline. Before the snows I hope they will have managed to go up and down the driveway with no problem. I would like to take them to the park near us it has a three and a half mile trail that they would enjoy biking once they are in shape. They went up and down the driveway about a dozen times and I stood at one end near the road. I took my eyes off them and they did not come back down the driveway. I went looking for them and I found the bikes and I continued and they had decided to go on the trampoline my brother has. I was angry they did not ask, so I played the parent and made them get off the trampoline and come to me and I told them that they have to ask before they do something like that and then I made them ask me. Some parent, it’s the same thing my mother did to me. I don’t know if that is good or not. In this everybody wins and there is no losers’ world and if you swat your kid they call the cops on you world it makes me wonder.
The day at my brothers lasted about two and a half hours and I hadn’t eaten lunch so I went to Nathans at the Nanuet Mall, which is very empty and had a hot dog and originally I got the girls one soda to share. Yea, you know what’s coming, I ended up getting them a second soda because they begged me and I’m sure Teri has told you she thinks I’m a soft touch, I not really.
Our final stop was the fruit store. I love the fact that these girls think fruit is a treat and I’m trying to maintain that. Teri says eating a dozen bananas in a two day period is not good. But isn’t fruit good for you?
We got home Teri made penne and sauce for dinner and the girls loved it, the good old standby. Thank god they will eat something.