Saturday, September 10, 2022


Some how Thursday I pissed my wife off without saying a word. I was in the kitchen not listening to what Teri and Nastia were saying. When I look up from my phone. I hear Teri say something like, "I just cleaned that." and then Nastia says something disrespectful. So I put my head down and return to my phone thinking 'I'm not getting into this.' So when I'm apologizing (yeah, I'm laughing too) later and she is telling me what I did wrong (don't laugh that much!) I'm thinking, 'hum, tomorrow is Friday.' "yes, but I wasn't listening to what the two of you were saying before that." 'It's causal Friday' (really, how else do you get through apologizing for not being involved and not saying anything)* Yes, I'm sorry, next time she is disrespectful like that I will say something (do I really have too?!) and make you feel more supported.
Sooooo, Friday does come, we have a little extra money in the bank and earlier in the week Teri wanted to go out to have sushi. Her and Elena love sushi. I don't, but it is an all you can eat place. So mid-afternoon while I'm counting the minutes until five o'clock rolls around, I do a family group text asking who will be home for dinner. Nasita has plans with Arrianna, which is fine. She is at that age where she wants as much freedom as possible. The only problem is she has a job that doesn't pay her enough to give her that freedom. So I ask the remaining two, the sushi lovers, "What's the price of Sushi tonight?" During the week it's cheaper, I'm hoping that includes Friday. (It doesn't.) Elena had stayed out of the conversation until I said Sushi. She chimes in with an enthusiastic 'Suuuushiiiiii' so I know she is in Teri says she believes it's $25.00 per person (Remember future people house only cost 1/2 a million dollars+ in 2022, so that is not cheap). Teri asks if we could refrain from alcohol can we do it?" Elena says she is OK with soda, it's my idea, so I can deal with it and it is settled. I can make last night up to my wife (I think I know what I did wrong. I didn't get involved in a conversation I wasn't listening to in the first place.).
Teri calls and say to meet her in Nanuet. she has a six PM appointment in Nyack with someone (she won't say who, hint, hint it has to do with the Nyack house and getting rid of it) So after that is over she wants to meet in Nanuet. Around 7:30 we meet at #1 Sushi. It's near five guys, the Auto Parts store and for all you people my age, it's in the old Korvettes Shopping Center.
After a short wait we are seated. They had us two sheets of paper that we are to mark what food we want. Teri and Elena are looking at the Sushi, I'm reading the other and I don't really know what most of this stuff is, so I begin looking it up on my phone.Takoyaki turns out to be; a ball shaped Japanese snack filled with octopus, tampura scraps pickled ginger and green onion. I think, nah and move on. Okonomiyaki; is a savory japaneses pancake consisting of wheat flour. It can include, cabbage, meat, and sea food, ah, maybe. After a few more look ups (thank god for the internet) I ordered a few appetizers, a couple of meat dishes and some rice. Teri says I have to try the Crab tampora. So that is added to the order. When you order a dish, you get a very little bit, but this is an all you can eat place, so if you want to sample everything on the menu and you eat it, no one will stop you. I had about six or so different items from the menu. I didn't over eat. Teri and Elena ordered a platter of sushi. After a few apetizers, the sushi arrives and it disappears pretty quickly. Teri then lets Elena order some more. I'm not paying attention to what they are talking about (have I learned nothing!!)and they order a second tray. When it arrives it is almost as full as the first one. I think there is no way they will ever finish this. About half way through it Elena begins to complain she is full. Teri soon follows. There are twenty-six pieces left. They soldier on. If they don't finish it, we get charged for the food. After a while the twenty-six is down to seventeen. I'm debating if I should get involved because I didn't over eat and they are well past over eating. I ask them, "Which is the least icky one?" Yes I don't like sushi. I've had it once at The Hard Wok and didn't like it. I tried pickled ginger tonight and it was weirdly hot and sweet at the same time, so I think, what the hell. Teri points to a roll that has avocado. I don't like avocado, but I pop it into my mouth any way, and yeah, I don't like it. At work every Friday several women in the office have sushi. One of the women, Dawn says sushi is an acquired taste. I haven't acquired it. Teri next points to the tuna sushi roll and says, "you'll like it." I still haven't acquired the taste for sushi yet, even after that one.
Teri and Elena manage to whittle the tray down to four rolls before they both quit. During most of the time they are eating the second tray Teri is telling Elena, "Ya had to order two's of everything didn't ya?" She says it with a smile and a laugh.(I'm listening to this conversation waiting to jump in at the least sign of disrespect in Elena's voice. This is a joke, you can laugh)
They take the foure lonely rolls away, ask if we would like something else. I'm thinking about fried oreos and a little ice cream, but after watching those two I doubt I will ever eat again. We pass on dessert. We pay the bill and a quick trip home. Elena says she is going up stairs to pass out. Teri later needs a little ice cream to settle her stomach. Me, I still didn't over eat and I still haven't acquired a taste for sushi. Oh, almost forgot, later that night Nastia comes home with clothes and slutty underwear that didn't fit her friend Arrianna. She takes a few minutes before she goes to bed to show it to us. She shows a picture of her in it to her mother and a quick flash of it at me. I look up from my phone as Teri goes, "Don't show that to your father." *In reality only most of that happened. I'll let you decide what.