Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mesha, one week later

I think our dog is defective, she leaks. It has been a week and I let her out at eleven pm again about 3 am and sometime about 5 am or so and I thought she was getting the idea that she was to do her business (come on don't make me spell it out, OK, pee and crap outside) but she hasn't yet. Teri keeps saying she had Mosha trained in a week, Mosha was smart. Mesha she keeps tilting her head when you talk to her like she doesn't understand.
  One morning, about three, I get up without turning on the lights and go towards the girls room. About half way down the hall I step in something squishy with my toes. I know what it is, I pick my foot up quickly, like it really matters and put it back down with just my heal touching intending to limp over to the bathroom to clean off my foot. When I put my heel down it squishes into some more. I've  stumbled into a mine field, in the dark expertly put down by our new dog to stop anyone from getting to the girls room our backing up without stepping on a mine. I manage to get out of the mine field without further damage and clean off my foot. I close the door to our room and turn on the light to clean the hallway. Except for it not being on the walls,what I see, is it looks like an pile of crap has exploded in the hallway. I grab a roll of paper towels, a plastic bag and the spray and get to work. When I'm done a good section of the rug, about six feet long looks nice and clean. The rug is ripped and worn out, but this section looks really good. It stays that way for about the rest of the night, our new dog it turns out has, as my wife would say 'the diarrhea'. Not to go into too many stories, but there is one where I let her out, she comes back in, craps in the hallway, I catch her, she stops, I put her outside, clean up, bring her back in and she finishes when my back is turned cleaning up a pee stain. Ahh, life with a new puppy, can you blame me for not finding a job?
   We started giving her some rice with her food and the problems have lessened. So far she sleeps on the floor, by the bed. There is no room on the bed with Athena and sometimes Bandi there. She has chewed several wires and charging cords, one I don't know what it is to. One Nastia threw out with some crap she cleaned up and I had to go through the garbage to dig it out. Her reasoning was, "Well its all chewed up, its no good." Silly girl she doesn't know she lives in the house of unlimited duct tape and black electrical tape. I got out my knife and tape, a few minutes later it was all fixed. Now if I knew what it was to!