Saturday, December 5, 2009

It's my happy birthday to you

Nastia's day started off early and she didn't seem to mind. She was up and dressed and wearing a goofy smile.
   We were on our way to school by seven-thirty. I still don't know what time school starts. I know I need to get them there before eight, I think.
   I carried the clementines and Nastia carried the mini cup cakes for her party in school. Elena just tagged along and she might of been a little jealous of her sister and only showed it once later that night  at the table when we were opening presents. (got it on video)
   At school still wearing that goofy smile, Nastia proudly announced that it was her 'Happy birthday to you'.
    The principle, Martha Ryan gave an approving nod to our remembering the healthy alternative to the cup cakes.
   Teri bought 48 mini cup cakes and thought each kid could have two. We also had a box of clementines and figured we would get back a box of clementines and no cup cakes. Just the opposite happened. I hope a box of clementines are not sitting somewhere for me to pick up.

   The plan for the night was ambitious to begin with and in retrospect we should have not tried to do everything we did for Nastia on her birthday, Thursday. It was a lot which is not to say too much it’s just she has a sister who for the most part was a good sport about it and if this is the first one what do we do for an encore?
Both of us got out of work a little early on Thursday and I spent the hour transporting people to the house and wasted time that would have been better spent starting dinner. I picked up Tony and the girls from his house and bought them over to our house. Then I started to feed the dogs and to start dinner and have the girls do stuff to get the evening moving. First mistake was stopping too soon. Nothing got finished. Nastia was to help feed the dogs and I did more than she did and they still didn’t get fed. Elena was to set the table and I did more than she did and the table was still not set.
I stopped to get my mother over here at the right time and the girls wanted to come along and I knew it was a mistake but they did and we went to pick up my mother. We got there and we went to Eric and Lynn’s to see the present Ruth got Dennis for his birthday, a tuxedo. I left to pick up the dogs, they didn’t fit on the first trip from Tony’s and I came back to get the girls and my mother. A trip that was supposed to take fifteen minutes took nearly an hour and of course Teri got home before me and was calling to find out where I was and if you know Teri you know the rest.
Dinner was served a little late, about six-thirty or so. We had a very good dinner of bratwurst and sauerkraut, with thick fried potatoes ( I usually would cut them paper thin and I’d never had them this way up until a week or so ago and I think I prefer them this way.) . We also had corn and I had a salad.
After dinner Nastia opened presents, Grammy, my mother got her a colored pen set and she was thrilled very much about it. We (Teri picked out our gifts) gave her a fake tattoo set and some markers and some money to spend in Toys R Us later that night.
We settled on Temptations for ice cream and cake. The girls had ice cream that they barely touched (they eat very well at dinner, it was one of their favorite meals) I had Apple Brown Betty and ice cream. Teri had some cake and coffee, Tony had a scoop of pistachio ice cream.
We finished eating about nine-fifteen and went up to Toys R Us. I have not been there since Kristen was a child years ago and a lot has changed since then. A lot of the toys seemed to be geared at preschool kids and there was not a lot else. The girls went through the aisles giving out oohs and aahs every so often until we got into the isle with the toy cars that are a lot like hot wheels. Each had been given a twenty-five dollar gift card and Nastia had twenty-five dollars in cash. They each picked out a part for this car set, one a gas station and the other a box of cars. They were very excited and happy over their purchases.
It was after ten pm and it was time to go home. The girls took a quick shower and went to bed. Nastia had promised to get up for school the next day without problem and that is exactly what she did.
Elena didn’t and she was her usual self and it took several attempts to get her up.
The whole evening was busy and fun. All day long Nastia wore a goofy smile that seemed a little too big for her face. I hope this the first of many birthdays is remembered by both as a very special day like it will be for me.