Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Life goes on beyond the Palisades*

* Guess who sang that?
Life has gone on in a big way since the last time I posted. Nastia went to the home coming game, then the home coming dance and afterwards came home on such a natural high (not drug induced) that it was one of the high lights of the month.
  Teri took Elena to a baseball game a few years back, saying it should of been me, so I volunteered to take Nastia to the Homecoming game. It was a bright sunny day and I thought I over dressed by taking a sweater. By half time clouds had rolled in on a north-western wind and I was wishing I had bought my jacket too.
  We were sitting in the stands and of course Nastia strikes up a conversation with a women who has two grand-daughters as Cheer leaders.
  With the game tied at twenty and the third quarter about to start, Nastia asks to go home because she is cold. Thank You God!
  The home coming dance had security that homeland security (hopefully you the future reader doesn't understand the reference, well I can hope.)  came to take lessons. You had to be there between seven and seven-thirty, At seven-thirty the doors were locked. No drugs, or alcohol.
  Nastia got there at seven-ten and Teri, Nancy and I went off to have dinner.
  We ate at Outback, they lost our name on the list. Then they lost our order and for that they gave us our appetizers free. On top of that my steak was excellent. I had almost as much fun as Nastia.
  We picked her up at about ten-thirty and she was going on how everyone was saying she was tearing up the dance floor and three boys are wanting to marry her and one boy, who wears the school mascot outfit, gave her a plastic ring. She was so very happy.
  Elena went with her boyfriend and his family to see the horror film Annabella. His parents must really love him.
  That was three weeks ago. Two  weeks ago we went to the West Nyack heritage festival. Karl and Madeline are big into it and it was fun There were a few booths with food and some craft doing stuff. Eric and his son Denis were there with the boy scouts. There was even a short play about the last witch trial in Rockland, which happened around there in 1816, hard to believe it was that recent. I was wondering around walking up a deer trail while the play was going on and I found a deer antler. It was a four pointer, from a four year old male. It was in some grass that had folded over it and it stuck up all white and brown. When the girls saw it, Nastia wanted to go show everyone and she did. Elena, the more calculating one asked if she could have it. What was I going to do with it? So I said yes, Nastia wasn't happy. A few day later I walked the edges of the Germond's ball fields trying to find one for Nastia. All I found were several old baseballs and a tick, who freaked me out when I found him on my face two hours later.

*Billy Joel in Miami 2017 the live version is better then the studio
We all bought Cadillacs and left there long ago. There are not many who remember...