Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Getting my daughter drunk and a hole in the pool.

Yes I guess I really didn't get her drunk, but I didn't stop her either. She is twenty-one and I thought it was safest for her to do it at home.
Earlier in the day or maybe it was last week, I ask Teri to pick up some Turkey Hill lemonade. It has to be Turkey Hill. This stuff goes real well with raspberry vodka. It is tasty and dangerous. You'll be drinking it sitting down. When you finish it and get up, suddenly you realize just how drunk you are.
Well, the grocery was out of lemonade, so she gets some pink lemonade. I'm thinking OK, it's different so it can't be as good (yeah, I know, but that's just the way I think,) Friday night I open the refrigerator after a long week and I'm not in the mood for a beer. I see the pink lemonade, so I grab it and I pull the vodka, regular not raspberry out of the freezer and gurgle (yes, it's a technical term for about two-three shot) a short gurgle (about two shots) into my glass and then add the pink lemonade to mix it. I'm thinking pink lemonade, like pink grapefruit for some reason and I am surprised and pleased by the taste, it's sweet and smooth. Nastia either asks for or takes my drink and samples it. She likes it and says
she is going to finish it. She has said it before and not followed through, so I am not concerned. She sucks this tall cup of about 20 oz down in a few moments and asks for a second. I warn her that alcohol sneaks up on you, but she wants more. So I gurgle some more vodka into her cup, add pink lemonade and hand it to her. She finishes it over pizza dinner. 
The first sign she is feeling the alcohol is she starts to laugh more then usual. She is asked if she is OK. She says yes and stands up when I ask her to and almost falls into the wall, I half catch her with the help of the wall.
After finishing her food she asks her sister for the crust off her pizza, Elena being Elena says no and offers it to the dogs. Nastia maybe acting a little bit more drunk then she is asks her sister for the crust again. Watch the video it show it better.
Elena decides to go to the store to get some graham cracker for  Teri, Nastia wants to go, I say no, she asks why and I tell her she is drunk and needs to stay home.
She spends some time watching TV with her head in my lap, but can't get comfortable. She tosses and turns until she finally gives up and goes upstairs.When I finally go to bed I walk into her room to check on her. I figured she had about four shots of vodka, but she is maybe 100 pounds when she is soaking wet.So I get to feeling bad and want to check to make sure she is ok. She is asleep so I leave. The next morning  I wake her up half hoping she is hungover, she isn't. She gets up and goes to work. Later in the day I send her the video of her drunk. She comments she sounds and looks retarded, I say no. just drunk. She says never again. I am happy, but didn't we all say that at one time or another?

The pool has been leaking almost since I emptied it and cleaned it up this spring. We have been losing about an inch of water every twenty-four hours, so it was a large hole. I looked over the liner from outside of the pool, but it was no good, I'd have to get it. So this past weekend, the afternoon before Nastia decided to get drunk I decided to get into the beautiful cold clear pool to look for the hole. And of course it only got just barely into the seventies after a cool June night where it was in the upper fifties. Great weather for living, not walking in a pool looking for a hole. About the time I start Nastia gets home from work and joins me. It takes a while, you know first a toe, then the foot until you get to the point your hanging off the side of the pool and your mid thigh and you have to just drop. I finally just drop into the water. It's not too bad I can still feel my toes. So I walk around for a while find a couple of possible spots, but none of them feels like what I'm looking for. I move the ladder, a big thing with wide steps that cover a portion of the liner. I look down to see a clump of leaves and debris. I wave it away with my foot and there it is about a one inch hole in the liner. It most of been put there when we put in the steps. I can even feel the suction from it with my foot. I ask Nastia to give me the patch kit. I cut a large patch slather (another technical term) glue on it and after a moment or two hesitation I dive under and immediately get panicky. I can't breath, I'm struggling to stay under water where I don't want to be
and I am cold. I surface, and Nastia asks what's wrong. I tell her  I can't do it. She immediately volunteers to go in. I ask her if she is sure and she says yes. She strips down and I give her my T shirt. She works her way into the water and finally she just dives under the water. I cut an new patch again and slather (there's that technical term again) a good amount of glue on it. I give her final instructions about making sure to push the patch down around the edges and she dives under. A moment or two later she is up and the pool is patched. She gets out and say she is freezing and her skin is turning blue. I look and I swear her skin is a light shade of white and blue. She has always had issues with temperature. I wrap her in two towels  and she is still cold. She says she need to slip out of the soaking wet T shirt to get warm. I hold the towels one in front, the other in back and she leans down below the tops of the towels to take it off. As she is doing it she somehow slips under one towel. When I see she in not between the towels any more I try to put them over her head, put I'm pushing them against her face. So for a few moments Nastia is flashing the neighborhood. Teri see this and says, "Nastia!", I get her wrapped back in the towels again and she runs up stairs to take a long hot shower. 
It's been several days and the pool seems to be fine. Now if we could just get some warm weather so the pool is swimmable.   
