Tuesday, November 4, 2014

He just wants to be my friend, yeah, heard that one before.

Nastia starts face timing with a kid from school. I ask her what is his name? She says it's Gene. Later, at the dinner table, she is talking about someone and is calling him a different name, and she mentions that he wants to go to the movies with her. I tell her he wants to date her. "Oh, no he don't.
 He just wants to be my friend" she says. As I am chuckling,  I tell her to watch When Harry met Sally. Where Harry says guys can't be friends with girls. I didn't go into further detail,  but I knew where this was going. And yes this past Monday he asked her out. Nastia now calls him David. He is nice from the little I've talked to him. He's smart, he tutors kids and he is black and I am sorry it bothers me. I wish it didn't,  but it does.  I will not stop it or say anything because he is a huge step up from any boy she has dated. And lets see where it goes. I wish I was as good as my words when it comes to dating other races.