Thursday, August 18, 2022

LaDeckero party and oh yes the trip, the trip, the best part is the trip.** both of them!!

** I used that opening years ago and I couldn't resist using it again. It always seems the last few years that August is full of things to do. It's like a last gasp breath of summer we are trying to take. Last year was the first Ladeckero party, the beach and I'm too lazy to remember the rest, but it was
so busy that we didn't go to the Dutchess County Fair. The fair as Teri has pointed out is the exact same thing every year, but for me it is a reminder of all of the Schoharie County Fairs in Cobleskill, I went to as a kid.
The Ladeckero family BBQ is in it's second year. I don't know if I explained how the name Ladeckero came about. It's simple. Teri's maiden name is Laudiero and her second cousins maiden name is Decker. They decided to form their own family when they felt left out over something I don't remember and most likely wasn't listening to and didn't think is important. I know having been married all these years to an Italian if she talks about it, it's important and I should take notes.
The party is on Saturday the 13 of August. The previous week I went swimming and the water is like bath water. This week, with the cool nights it had gotten cold. It doesn't matter the day is warm. I pushed Nastia in with some help,from Dylan and after a little coaxing I jumped it. It is cold and we stayed in for just a little while. Sallyanne and Katie are here. While Kenny is sleeping for work. Katie and Art and their kids came along with Kimmie. There is the usual menu, hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken and all kinds of salad. Teri didn't make the lemonade and raspberry vodka this year, but she did have lemonade and raspberry vodka if someone (Me) wanted some (I had two tall ones). Most of the afternoon people sit around talking and just relaxing. Covid is gone and get togethers are still a little new. Kolby goes in to swim after everyone has gotten cold and got out. The left over food on the grill has gotten cold and dried out. Life seems to have reverted to what used to pass for normal or what I think it was two years ago. Maybe it was last year. The day slides by quickly and the night creeps in on us. Around dark, when the mosquitoes have come out, everyone said good bye or goes inside. Kimmie, Teri, Nancy and I talked about the after effects of Covid. Forget about the disease it self. Some people are having trouble going back to the office. It's kind of like stage fright only worse and unexpected. People aren't used to being around people much any more.It's weird, but hopefully it will pass. Nastia goes into the city with Dylan and Arrianna.
Arrianna had to work until eleven or so, but still wanted to go into the city. They decide to take the train into the city. So that's NJT in Nanuet down to Hoboken and then the path over to the World Trade Center or the other tube to where I think they ended up. I've only taken the train to the city once or twice and both times I took the ferry across. It is already late by the time they are there. I thought they were going to leave around nine, that would have made more sense. It's around three or so when they get to the city.They see, I think the Museum of Ice Cream and Arrianna wants to go in. Nastia says the tickets start at $50.00. Everything in the city has become
tourist traps and for the average person to go visit is impossable. Nastia says she isn't paying that price to go see ice cream, she'll wait outside. Dylan offers to pay for her (I won't say it, but you can think it.) They go inside and you get to sample different flavors of ice cream. It is fun, I'm told, but not $50.00 worth of fun. It is already late and they need to take the 6:30 train, I think Nastia says or they will have to
wait for the nine-thirty train and Nastia doesn't want anything to do with that. I thought they would at least eat in the city, but when you're there on your own with limited funds and even more limited knowledge of what the city has to offer, I can see why they did not. She is in Rockland by early evening and home not to much later. Elena goes to the beach
Elena has become independant and she decides to go to the beach again with just Matt. You know the guy she is not dating. What is it with these adopted Russian girls and not dating.(Untwist your panties, it's a joke, Wokeness has killed comedy. If you don't know what wokeness is thank god. As with everything Hollywood does it is over doing that) She got up early. One of them drove, they got to the beach, had a good time and arrived home safely. The book of Elena then closed. I did find out the beach was very hilly again that day. (look at the first two pictures, it's a joke) /