Thursday, April 4, 2019

I keep forgetting the Girls are women now.

     I keep forgetting my daughters are not little kids any more. I have always tried to have an open relation with them when it comes to sex. I have told Nastia on more then one occasion that I fully expect her to have a full and satisfying sex life, but not today. I have a habit of being a little inappropriate with the girls too and sometimes I get surprised by them.
     The other day Teri is changing her clothes, Nastia is on the phone talking with David and I'm in the bedroom with Teri. I think Nastia wanted to come into the bedroom and Teri said ,"no". Without thinking I said we were having sex. Teri gets mad because Nastia was talking to David and David heard me say that. A little while later I got down stairs and I'm walking through the Dining Room past Nastia and she says, " Done already, I thought You'd last longer then that." I stop with my mouth open expecting words to come out of it and nothing does. I'm a little surprised and I guess they are not little kids any more.
     The second Story is just one showing they are still kids, but it still surprises me to hear it come out of their mouths. Ever since We've known them we have known they curse like truck drivers. Lately they curse more in front of us then they have before. So the other day when Nastia tells her sister she sucks and Elena responds, " Well You swallow." I guess I should not have been so surprised. Nastia will be twenty-one in December and Elena will be nineteen in August. They're not little kids any more, they are full grown women and their relationships are not little kid things either any more, I guess.