Monday, September 5, 2022

The Book of Elena chapter 22 verse 2 line 3 through ...

Sunday the last unoffical day of Summer started as a very boring day. The sun is out, the temperature started out comfortable, but would raise to the point Teri would need the air conditioning. I had several tasks that were in need of doing according to my wife. One she'd been on me to do is switch the water faucet in the tub. I bought her an antique styled faucet for Christmas with the understanding it would slip right into place of the previous one. Last week I looked it over and thought it wouldn't. This week upon closer inspection I found it would fit like it is supposed to.
On my way to switching out the faucet, Elena asks me if we could do her screens in her room. "Bugs are getting in and making me crazy." she said. I do a 90 degree turn and get the screening material in the basement and show her how it is done. The first one I mostly do. The second one she does on her own. It is simple to do once you know how to do it. I learned on my own after a local hardware store charged more then what a roll of the material cost.
On a roll I go to the tub and double check how the faucet would fit. It would really suck if half way through on a Sunday late afernoon just before labor day with a movie scheduled for Sunday night to find out this isn't going to work and everyone has to take a bath or use the shower in the basement. The basement shower is my territory, while upstairs is the girls bathroom. It goes smooth and I even have time to relax before the movie. THe movie, Thor, love and Thunder is scheduled for 6:30. It is going to be Nastia, Elena and myself. Teri is not a real big fan of the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) I'm feeling lazy and ask who wants to drive. I know Elena will drive. Nastia doesn't drive after dark because of her eyes. We pile into her car. THe rain has just stopped recently. The rain is only the second one we've had since June.
Elena steps on the gas and everyone is pressed slightly against their seats. She makes a right onto Waldberg Ave. I'm in the back seat behind Nastia and if it wasn't for the seat belt I'd be sitting behind Elena. I say nothing. A left to King's Highway, she slows slightly in front of St Paul's School checking for Police. When none are spotted she hits the gas again, again we are slightly pressed into our seats. At the corner of Old Mill Rd. She cuts a hard right. I feel the tires begin to slide before they catch and a
spin out is avoided. Which is a good thing, because a car is coming up Old Mill to the corner of King's Highway. I lose it. I am trying to let it go, but the corner where the car started to slide pushes me over the edge. I didn't know I was going to start yelling like that. Somewhere inside me something broke, or a spark lit something, I don't know. The next moment I'm telling Elena, "to slow the fuck down." The rational me knows that is not the way to talk to her. She'll get defensive and she will not back down. It can get very dangerous. She replies to me, " What's wrong with that it was just a nice tight turn." I'm still not calm and I tell her, "pull the car over I'm getting out." I say it a half dozen times until she finally does. She throws a little more gas on the fire, "Fine, walk home." I take out my matches and tell her, "Well, no ones going to the movies I've got all of the tickets." Somewhere, somehow I don't get out of the car. We are pulled over on Babbling Brook Rd or some other side road near there. I think I realize I have just ruined the evening and I say Elena's name, I say it several times, but she is not replying. Nastia says, "she hears you" I tell her, "I'm sorry,I shouldn't have yelled like that. I don't want to ruin the evening." To me it looks like she is ignoring everything I say. She doesn't reply. I think she asks are we still going to the movies? I say yes. I think I apologize and second time and maybe a third time. I know when we pull into the parking spot I apologize. I don't see anything back from her and I get frustrated. I think well hell I'm going to the food court and I don't care what happens. I've long legs and I don't hesitate to use them. And use them I do. Somewhere about half way across the parking garage Nastia at a run catches up to me. At the food court, Nastia says Elena is asking where we are? I say, "at the food court". I check the time and tell her we will meet her at the theatre, there isn't enough time to eat. On the way to the theatre I call Teri asking her to call Elena and talk to her. I really wanted to try to repair what had happened. Teri later texts back that she tried, but couldn't connect to her. At the theatre the three of us are trying to act like nothing is wrong, but Elena is wearing a mask and it strikes me as odd. It is her defense, her way of hiding. I didn't realize it at the time. I haven't seen her wear a mask in a long while. I get on line for popcorn. I ask Nastia and Elena what they want. Nastia wants candy and a drink. Elena wants nothing. I get on line, I look over towards Elena from the line. She is leaning against the pole. For some reason she seems so alone to me. I go over to her hoping she'll let me hug her. She does and to my surprise she starts to cry. Later when I text Teri she will text back, "you made my baby cry???" She doesn't like to show weakness or unnecessary compassion so I am heart broken by what I've done. She crys for about half a minute. I loosen my hug and ask her if she wants something at the snack bar, she shakes her head no, I ask if she wants an icy, she shakes he head yes. I go get on line and while I'm ordering she drops some candy down. I now know things are better and maybe we can enjoy the movie. Well, the movie, like the reviews say was only OK. The humor is great, the story is thin and a better villian is needed, and he needed to be shown more often. Walking out Elena tosses me her keys without comment. I try to not read into it. I drive home at a reasonable pace, for me. I yell at an idiot and realize maybe I'm more like Elena then I realize. The person was a real idiot though. /