Thursday, October 7, 2021

Wednesday, October 6th, 2021

It's three days before John Lennon's 81st birthday. On December 8th, he'll be gone longer then he was alive, 41 years. If you don't know who he is future people, shame on you.
Elena planned to have salmon for dinner. She wanted to do it on Tuesday, but dinner had been planned and so it was moved to Wednesday. I was willing to cook dinner, but I was bowling with Nastia and there were several people who were more interested in talking than bowling. It got to the point that one guy, let's call him Adam, since that is his name was up on both lanes. I am sitting in the seats near the lanes and hs is behind me talking and talking. I got so pissed that I yell out Adam, you're up. His reply, "I'm talkng." He does stop and bowl. Talking seems to stop after that. We ended up being the last in our league to finish. Nastia with a 159 and JJ with a 127 saved us in the first game. In the second we hold on for dear life, winning because Nasta get two strikes in the tenth.Causing Paul, their final bowler to need three strikes to win. He gets one on his first throw and spares his second. We win by ten pins, bring us back to 500. Nastia's 159 came after a couple weeks of bad games. This is the girl who started bowling years ago with an average of 68. Her average is now over 120. Elena could being doing as well, if not better had she been able to contain her temper and just bowl. Dinner of salmon and baked potatoes was set for Wednesday after bowling. Nastia went with Brandon and maybe JJ to dinner at Dave and Buster's in the Palisades Center. She loves Talipia, I think she really doesn't like salmon, I think.
I walk in to the house, Elena and Teri are cooking. Matt is standing by, if he is needed. He is alway the first one to offer to help. The salmon goes in and I am then asked to check it to make sure it is cooked. about twenty minutes later I use a fork to see if the fish flakes apart and it does, so out it comes. It goes back in after I cut it and find some portions are still raw. After another ten or so minutes it comes out and is fully cooked. We sit down to a garlicy, buttery fish and baked potatoes. It's good!
Later that night, after clean up, which was easy, I didn't cook. I find Elena making sandwiches for Matt and
her for Thursday. She has the day off and He has some school, but I guess they plan to get together later and do
something. I'll let you know. I bring up the sandwiches because she drew a face on one. And last night she kissed him in front of me for the first time maybe. He brings out the best in her I think. I hope she does in him too. I'm looking forward to that dinosaur wedding.
Thursday Elena has off and her and Matt take in a nice afternoon going hiking. They go hike Ramapo Mountains. Elena sends a bunch of pictures of her hike. She always has to take a picture of Matt walking away. I wonder why?