Thursday, April 15, 2021

Another Wednesday and Teri gets her second Covid, I miss mine.

Well Wednesday bowling is winding down, the girls having Wednesdays off is not. Yesterday Elena declared to her mother
that it was a day for herself. She gets a sandwich for lunch for her and ehr mother and they have lunch together.THEN she goes over to see Matt. When I saw her at bowling and she was dressed nicely I knew she'd gone to see him. Teri and I watch a show called The Goldbergs. In it are two characters Erica and Jeff. It has become clear in the later episodes that Elena is Erica. Now Nastia hasn't been seen for several days. She said Jesse invited her over her house to sleep over Monday and
Tuesday. I last saw her I think Monday morning. She showed up to bowling and hung out with me while I was there, it was nice. She then stayed there and bowled with Brandon and a couple of friend.They have all decided to join a summer bowling league. It starts at seven and they bowl three games. It's a four member team and they are not going to be done until 9:30-10 PM. I remember doing a league like that in the 80-90's, the Golden Lions and we bowled at the Hub in Monsey. At the time one of the best lanes in the county. Last week I told Teri my Covid shot was for April 9th. She said it couldn't be because she had gotten her's before me. I thought I was wrong and didn't check my card. She got Moderna and I'd gotten Pfizer.So yesterday I pick up my card so I have it for Friday and it did say Friday the 9th, I'd missed it. It turns out that Pfizer and Moderna have different wait times, which no one had ever mentioned.Teri managed to get me a second shot for Monday at 4:15. Denis came home from the Hospital yesterday. It has been a long tough road for Eric and Lynn. Right now Denis is
good and he needs to get his strength back. I know he has the heart and the strength to do it and he will make it.When he was born he had a problem with his heart. After he was born, the surgeons went in and fixed what was wrong with his heart. They were told there would be problems in the future. Something, a virus or something caused a problem with his heart and they had to go in and fix it. He'll be on blood thinners for the rest of his life, but he'll be alive and hopefully healthy.