Sunday, April 26, 2020

Dating during the Covid-19 virus

I have looked back and it has been about five weeks since we have been on lock down/ stay at home. Everyone has gotten into a routine and it has started to seem like this is normal and it will never change.But as we all know forever is a long time and nothing stays the same forever. Every night I leave work in Elmsford at 6:30 and get on the Thruway I am able to do eighty on the road. When I realize I am going so fast I ease off the gas and let the car coast until I get down closer to the speed limit. It is a weird time. I still don't long for the traffic jam trips home that turn my now fifteen minute commute at 6:30 into anywhere from a half hour to ninety minutes on a traffic filled Friday in the Spring or the Fall. Those could remain a relic of the pre Covid-19 time.
     Now to dating during the COVID-19. Well it just doesn't happen, but try to tell Nastia that. Back a few days ago I woke Nastia up to find when she worked and had online school. She said she had classes at ten and twelve. I asked her how she was going to manage that when she had work from noon to eight. She didn't know. The next day I am transfering money to Nastia's account when I notice some charges from Garnerville. I march upstairs and wake Nastia up. Asking her in an agitated voice what was she doing in Garnerville? She very calmly says, "I was in ShopRite in Garnerville looking for soup for mommy and I had lunch at the pizza parlor. Nastia can lie so smoothly sometimes that even when I have the facts I have to stop and question myself. So I leave half believing she did nothing wrong. That is until I am driving home that night and I begin to think about things and again become convinced that she lied and by the time I get home I am really pissed off. Luckily the house is empty. Strangely too, because we are supposed to be sheltering in place. It turns out Nastia and Elena are at work and Teri had to go into work and just left. She calls and I tell her how angry I am and that she will have to talk to Nastia when both are home. Teri gets home before Nastia and when Nastia is settled in Teri begins to talk to her about what happened. I promise myself to say nothing and if I insist on it I should leave. Nastia quickly confesses she'd gone to Garnerville to see Taj. I complement Teri on her restraint. She doesn't yell at Nastia's confession. She does say in a pleading slightly demanding voice that she can't go see him. She doesn't know where he's been and who he's been exposed to and he doesn't know what she's been exposed to. One could be giving the other Covid-19. I do say something and Teri asks me to stop. I realize it is a good idea and stop. The talk is short and feels inconclusive, but Nastia has stayed home since then because she went to work the next day and told her boss she didn't feel good, she had a headache. Her boss sent her home until she comes back with a doctors note. For the last few days she has had her period, a headache and a belly ache. She bought some Sunny Delight last week at Costco. Somewhere in all of that is the truth above what is wrong with her.The Sunny Delight might be giving her headaches, her period might be giving her the belly aches or maybe just not drinking any water and I don't think any of it is caused by COVID-19.
Last night I tried to have a little celebration for just the four of us. I have been working a lot of overtime because of COVID-19, and I got a raise which together almost doubled my normal take home pay. The check, still less then Teri's, is finally in the same neighborhood. So I thought it might be nice to have some Bailey's BBQ. Their restaurant is on Erie Street in Blauvelt. They are also the ones who bought and ruined Nanuet Restaurant.
Under COVID-19 there is pick up only, which does ruin the food a little. What happened last night made it a waste of fifty dollars. We, Teri and I debated back and forth what to order. We settled on a variety platter for two and a kids chicken fingers and fries for Nastia. Teri thought about an onion soup, but at eight dollars decided not to. She tries to order from her ipad and has difficulty. So she asks me to order but I always have problems doing online ordering. I wanted to order directly from the Bailey's website and kept getting doordash or menu, trip advisor, yelp or whatever. I have had experiences with yelp, all bad (they listed The Crystal Spoon as closed because we wouldn't advertise with them) (Doordash delivered cold food and is or was very expensive) I get so frustrated that I bring my laptop to Teri and she figures it out in just a moment. Now it is late, about 7 PM. Teri had wanted to order around 5. and I said let's wait and anyone who's been married knows where this is going. We order the food and the web site says an email will arrive telling us when to pick up our food. There was also a place where we could tell them when we wanted to pick up the food. The first available time is 8:15, an hour and change later. I wait watching my email for the Baileys email while I continue to work entering new client for the Crystal Spoon. At 8:15 I finally call Baileys asking if I missed the email. The guys running the service say our food is ready. Nastia and I head out to Bailey's twenty minutes away and on the trip I tell Nastia the food is going to be ice cold when we get there and it is.
We arrive at Bailey and see a half open door with a note on it we can't read. I get out and read it. It says all catering orders and take out are next door, across the street. I cross the street and in my hurry I drive off the end of the parking into the grass. There is no drive around from there. I finally get to in front of Baileys take out and a kid without a mask asks for our name. He grabs the bag with ungloved hands,. I stretch out my arm past Nastia to keep him as far away as possible. He hands me a bag of luke warm food that had not been kept warm while it waited to be picked up. Twenty minutes later, at almost nine Nastia and I arrive at home with cold BBQ. Of course I start a fight with Teri. I don't remember what started it but when I see Teri throw a plate, a light toss of only several inches I see another issue that she always get on my case for. So I complain to her about throwing plates like she does to me. Oh, and what started the fight, I yelled at the dogs to shut up and she complained. So I say why is it ok for you to yell at the dogs and not me. So it dovetails very well with her throwing, really tossing a plate on the table and not placing it. All you ladies take note, this is what happens when you piss guys off for doing something minor like dropping a plate on the table from a couple of inches away. IT WILL COME BACK AND BIT YOU! You do it to us so why can't we occasionally give it back to you.
The food was lousy and cold. If it was hot it might have been it's usual excellent. I did have the oven on to warm the food before I left, but it was late. I did warm the corn souffle in the microwave and ruined it. It became a tasteless mussy mess.
If I can find the web site again, I'll leave a review.
